Superb steel bloom export industry
Superb steel bloom It is done to different European and Asian countries, which greatly contributes to the country’s currency and economic prosperity. This year, given the global crisis caused by the outbreak of the Corona virus, as well as the decline in domestic consumption of steel, the issue of exports must be taken seriously. In 1399, it is planned to produce 30 million tons of steel in the country and more than 12 million tons of steel must be exported from the country. This company is an export company and last year this company exported 880,000 tons and through this, a suitable currency entered the country. Both in terms of the realization of the steel production program and due to the needs of the country, steel exports should be valued this year. .
Reasons for popularity of Superb steel bloom
Superb steel bloom of iron and carbon in which the amount of carbon is up to 2% because higher amounts cause the production of cast iron. Steel is the most widely used material for building the world’s infrastructure and industries, and is used to make everything from sewing needles to oil tankers. In addition, the tools needed to write such articles are made of steel.
As a sign of the relative importance of this material, we must say that in 2013, the world’s crude steel production was about 1.6 billion tons, while the production of the next most important engineering metal, aluminum, was about 47 million tons. The main reasons for the popularity of this alloy are its relatively low manufacturing cost, ease of processing, abundance of its two raw materials (iron ore and scrap) and unparalleled range of mechanical properties.
The main component of steel is iron, a metal that is not much harder than pure copper. Solid iron, like all other metals, is polycrystalline – that is, it is made up of many crystals that join together at their boundaries. A crystal is a regular arrangement of atoms that can best be depicted as spheres touching each other. They build networks that penetrate each other in certain ways. For iron, the lattice arrangement can best be seen by a single cube with eight iron atoms in its corners. Iron allotropy means its presence in two crystalline forms is absolutely necessary for the uniqueness of this alloy. As you have heard so far, one of the most important features of this alloy is its hardness and luster.
This compound physically has a very high melting point (about 1.510 ° C, higher than most metals, for example at copper it is about 500 ° C lower) and a very high density (7.9 g / cm3). It is about eight times as much as water. This alloy is generally harder and stronger than its so-called main element, iron. However, it is very flexible and due to its high tensile strength, it is able to withstand applied loads or forces without losing shape. The tensile strength of different steels is high compared to other materials, but varies considerably between different steels. At the bottom end of the list is approximately 290 n / mm2, but at the top end the tensile strength is up to 870 n / mm2. steel bloom sizes vary according to market fluctuations and supply and demand.
Export industry of Superb steel bloom
the auspices of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran and the largest producer of alloy steel parts and sections in the Middle East, which has the ability to manufacture 140 types of alloy steel. This industrial complex, as the largest producer of forged and heavy and super heavy casting parts and sections of alloy steel, with capable specialists and advanced technology, the ability to meet the strategic needs of the country’s industries in oil and gas, power plants, shipbuilding and machine building , Has railways and mining and steel industries. Buy steel bloom types from this collection with excellent quality and reasonable price and enjoy its benefits.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
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