Sponge iron fines factory

The use of technical knowledge and technology of making sponge iron fines from basic engineering to operation by contractors in order to strengthen the economy and complete the sponge iron project and related infrastructure to complete the steel chain in companies from iron ore mining to steel production and steel industry are among the key The iron project is sponge.
Sponge iron fines specifications
Sponge iron is obtained from the direct reduction of iron ore (Direct Reduced Iron) and its oxygen is removed during the immediate recovery operation without the need for iron ore smelting. In this method, iron ore pellets, which have a grade of 67%, are regenerated and the result is spongy iron (porous pellets).
After melting and regenerating in steelmaking, sponge iron is used in the casting process in the form of required products and is used in three forms: slabs, billets and rebars.
The appearance of this product is in the form of spherical parts (pellets), which due to its porous structure, has a spongy appearance, which is why it is called sponge iron. This product has a high grade of iron, which is considered today due to the lack of iron waste and its increase in price, as well as environmental problems.
About 5% of the world’s steel is made from sponge iron (DRI), and this trend is on the rise. This product is obtained by direct reduction of iron ore and is also called DRI. Today, sponge iron is created by reducing iron ore without melting it. This makes it an efficient energy source for special steel builders who relied on scrap metal.
This method is one of the most widely used production methods in Iran and the world. In this method, natural gas enters the gas breakdown unit, then enters due to heat, and special catalysts are converted to hydrogen and carbon. The hydrogen and carbon then enter the furnace called the recovery furnace, where we put the iron ore pellets, and combine it with the oxygen in the iron ore pellets to regenerate the iron ore. you will find sponge iron yield calculation in internet.
Buy sponge iron fines at factory price
The use of sponge iron in induction furnaces as one of its most important applications. It can be said that the use of sponge iron in induction furnaces is able to replace scrap by nearly 50%. However, its use in induction furnaces requires technical knowledge and experience. Also, the use of sponge iron is a major change in the continuous casting of the steel industry.
It can be used in almost all steel production methods. Many small and large steel production units in the country use these methods. Iran has more natural resources at its disposal for direct regeneration. Sponge iron is a good alternative to iron scrap. Therefore, we can supply a high percentage of raw materials to supply the smelting required by units. Instead of using waste, we build sponges through sponge iron.
Due to price fluctuations in the global market, it is necessary to confirm the sponge iron price in order to buy sponge iron.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
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