Superb iron briquette Price Fluctuation

Briquettes, also called burnt and fragrant, are commonly referred to as compressed and shaped fuels. In addition to fuels, small and large metal parts and chips, alloys, refractory particles and some other materials are also briquetted for reuse. For more information on Superb iron briquette please visit our website.
Notable cases about Superb iron briquette
This type of briquette is the best-known product for the easy and safe transport of sponge iron around the world. Among the properties of the hot-sponge iron briquette, which facilitate its transport, we can mention the small specific surface, the high density and mechanical strength, as well as the desired resistance to oxidation. Sponge iron briquettes in the world Today, Iran, along with India and China, is one of the largest producers of sponge iron in the world, on which the production of sponge iron briquettes depends.
Therefore, the existing investment potential for the sponge iron briquettes in Iran can be understood. In the steel field, briquetting is growing rapidly as well, and the benefits of briquetting and briquetting are increasing the number of industries using this technology. Advantages of cold matched sponge iron briquettes over sponge irons on the market
- 1 No need to pellet
- 2 Ability to recycle metal waste such as pellets
- 3 possibility to adjust the carbon content of the product from 0.02 to 1%
- 4 degrees metal over 96%
- 5 densities higher than 4.5 grams per cubic centimeter
- 6 Ease of transfer and storage due to product inactivity
- 7 Uniformity of product quality due to no decline in metal quality Sponge iron briquettes are made in two ways.
Compression of sponge iron at high temperature (650 ° C) after leaving the reduction furnace, which is called hot briquetting of sponge iron. Another type of briquette is cold sponge iron briquette. The production of sponge iron the cold briquette type is made from sponge iron. A cold sponge iron briquette is made by mixing soft sponge iron, silicate glue and lime and applying pressure and heat.
Which is also offered as a soft sponge briquette. The production of sponge iron has increased due to their storability and transportability. The benefits of using this product in smelting furnaces, some of which are listed below, have resulted in a sales boom and, consequently, an increase in production. For more information on iron briquette suppliers please visit our website.
Price changes of Superb iron briquette
Price changes of Superb iron briquette is due to the fluctuations of the dollar market, which has affected this product, but in our collection, it reaches the customer at a more up-to-date and more appropriate price. So you can visit our site for more information about iron briquette in bulk.
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