Scrap of iron Wholesale Supplier in 2021

According to experts, about 95% of the metals produced in the world are made of iron, one of the most famous alloys of this element is steel. Therefore, scrap iron and steel, which may not be considered important by ordinary people, are among the most economical and lucrative metals. Incidentally, one of the advantages of iron is its recyclability and the fact that this recycling can be repeated several times. For more information about Scrap of iron Wholesale Supplier in 2021, visit our site.
What is the price of scrap iron per kg?
Since there are many fluctuations in the field of iron products and this is due to the different prices of valid world currencies. For more information about the price of scrap metal, you can refer to our company website.
Scrap iron scrap is mostly used as a raw material in the manufacture of home appliances and food packaging, general waste, industrial waste and steel products, waste from steel production lines, oil and petrochemical industries, cement factories, dams, stairs, all kinds Facilities, agricultural machinery are used On the other hand, scrap iron from iron and steel machinery, equipment leftover from flood and earthquake damage, demolition of dilapidated houses and reconstruction of railway tracks, construction machinery of obsolete railways and vehicles, and reconstruction of production lines are provided.
The most important applications of scrap iron, in addition to recycling and reuse in the production of iron and steel, detoxification of industrial wastewater using iron nanoparticles, and the like It Home appliances such as benches, tables, door handles, keys, lamps and decorative items as well as home furniture in modern and ultra-modern styles Also, scrap metal is recycled and reused in various ways, including charging it in EAF and BOF furnaces to turn it into ingots and other products.
Iron Scrap can be classified into various dimensions and due to the high diversity of steel products, there are various categories that are based on different parameters. However, in order to be aware of the effects of scrap iron in the industry, it is important to know the types of scrap iron, its grade, and quality level. In a general classification, metals are of two types: first, metals in the main composition of which iron is used, such as machine bodies, home appliances, doors and windows, building materials and skeletons, and the like.
Second, metals that do not use iron in their main composition, such as copper, aluminum, zinc, These metals are found in foils, cans, and aluminum doors and windows and are less abundant than ferrous metals. For more information about scrap iron prices, visit our site.
Bulk supplying of scrap of iron
Bulk supply of scrap iron is done by our company, which has an affordable price, and we export this product to other countries. For more information about scrap iron formula, visit our site.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
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