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Iron concentrate Market size in 2021

Which is the best quality of iron concentrate?Market size of iron concentrate

Concentrate, which is one of the iron ore by-products, is used to upgrade low grade iron ore. Concentrate is a powder extracted from iron ore. This product is completely black and is used in the steel industry, and is used to produce various types of iron granules, sponge iron or other metal products. Iron concentrate is very important in terms of saving time and money in industrial products because it does not contain harmful materials and waste. For more information on the size of the iron concentrates market in 2021, visit our site.

Iron concentrate Market size in 2021

Which is the best quality of iron concentrate?

Which is the best quality of iron concentrate? Iron ore processing is classified into two types depending on the product. Granulated iron ore production: This process is done without water and dries. In this process, high quality and low quality stones are separated by different methods (magnetic method), and this end product is called granulation iron ore. The granulated iron ore is of low quality and can be used in reduction system but in blast furnaces. Production of iron ore concentrate: To make concentrate, the metal content of iron ore is low, and to increase this content, various modern and sophisticated methods are used. Advantages of iron ore processing There are several advantages to industrial use, some of which are mentioned below. Reduce fusion and energy costs Reduce the cost of purification Reduce the pollution Granulated iron ore is made dry and without water.

Then, by means of a physical separation the high-grade iron ore is separated from its alloys. Granulating iron is not used in the direct reduction system due to its low content, but it can be used in blast furnaces. In concentrators, the average grade of iron ore is low, and the amount of elements is more than acceptable, therefore, to increase the grade, more advanced methods and more complex concentrate paths are created. The raw materials used in the iron concentrate and for the production of granules are as follows: Iron ore: It is the first and most important raw material for the production of pellets.

Bentonite: The best mineral for bonding pellet particles, as it distributes water evenly and prevents the pellet from cracking and also increases its mechanical strength. Organic matter: They establish a chemical bond between the particles. The gas produced by its decomposition increases the porosity and the quality of the pellets. Lime: It is used as a limestone with dimensions less increase the resistance of the granules. Calcium hydroxide: It is composed of a combination of calcining limestone and a mixture of lime produced with water, and due to its adhesion property, it causes the iron particles to bind together.

Water: The quantity and quality of water has a big impact on the pellets. In this way, if the amount of water is less or more than the required amount, it reduces the mechanical strength of the granules. Cement: Used to harden cold granules that do not need to be cooked. For more information iron ore concentrate price visit our site.

Market size of iron concentrate

Market size of iron concentrate Market size of iron concentrate has been growing well because this product has been very effective and has even been exported to other countries, so for more information about iron ore concentrate process, you can visit our site.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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