Iron ore Wholesalers in the global market

iron ore wholesale market is booming in the world market. Iron ore, the raw material of the steel chain, like other raw materials and minerals, has a significant role in moving the production cycle and its direct sale, or more precisely, its raw sale, is against the public and economic interests of the country and has a significant negative impact on production and Employment will be part of the important communiqués of the general policies of the resistance economy. “Today, the economy is an arena of campaigns, a arena of war, a war of a special kind, because of America’s hostile policies,” the Supreme Leader was quoted as saying by the Supreme Leader. In this arena of campaigning, anyone who can work for the benefit of the country has jihad.
What is an iron ore mine?
Iron ore is one of the most popular and practical minerals available that can be used in various cases. Iron is the fourth most abundant element in the earth’s crust, accounting for about 5 percent of the earth’s crust, and rocks that contain more than 20 percent iron are called iron ores. Extraction of iron metal from iron ore is done by a chemical action.
This chemical action means that iron oxide rocks are reduced by carbon, thus releasing the element iron. Charcoal was used for centuries for revitalization, but in the first nineteenth century coke was used instead. Coke is used as the most important fuel for blast furnaces. It can be noted that in order to achieve one ton of crude iron, about 3 to 5.1 tons of iron ore, 900 to 1000 kg of coke and 5 to 6 tons of air will be needed. Iron ore is also used as a smelter in blast furnaces.
Today, with the invention of the machine and the introduction of pressurized air into the furnace, the height and diameter of the furnace are increased, and new blast furnaces are made of iron sheets based on columns and the height of the furnace body is about 30 meters.
Different forms of iron ore
Iron ore is available in various forms in the market so that all industries can prepare and use this mineral according to their needs.
Granulated iron ore is one of the types of iron ore that its use has decreased in recent years due to its low regenerative properties.
The most common method of using iron ore is in lump form. In general, 700 million tons of lumps are produced every year and it is used in iron and steel industries.
300 million tons of pellets are currently produced, 80% of which is used in blast furnaces and the remaining 20% is used for direct reduction..iron ore locations They produce and market quality products based on the highest technology.
Bulk selling of Iron ore in the global market
The price of Iranian iron ore in consumer markets is much lower compared to similar grades from Australia and Brazil. Recently, however, rising freight rates and problems with sanctions have forced Iranian retailers to lower FOB prices to maintain their market share. The only factor that justifies the export of iron ore is the increase in the price of this raw material in the world market and the devaluation of the rial. Of course, it should be borne in mind that in the current situation, some exporters of iron ore from Iran are willing to sell their product on the spot to continue to be present in the export market.
Low competitive advantage; Cheap sale
Studies show that several factors affecting the production costs of iron ore have caused serious ambiguities in the competitive advantage of this mineral over foreign competitors; On the other hand, the existing technology in the country is at a lower level compared to other countries active in this field, which leads to higher costs of iron ore extraction from mines; On the other hand, the existing and explored mines of the country are mainly located in the eastern and northeastern regions of the country, which due to the relatively long distance to the southern ports of the country, creates a high cost for road transport of iron ore; These two issues, along with other economic factors, make presence in global markets a serious challenge for iron ore exporters and will leave them with no choice but to lower the prices of their products in order to be competitive
iron ore pellets market was able to gain its position in the market by offering quality and cheap products.
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