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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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High grade steel billet affordable prices

What is the difference between steel bars and steel billets?Affordable prices of High grade steel billet

Bloom is also known as “Shamseh”. Bloom is actually the same log that has a different size. In other words, it can be said that the width is more than 15 cm, that is, the cross section is less than 230 cm square, and for this reason, Bloom and Billet are generally in the same category. Bloom mostly used rails, shields, studs, cans, etc. In the past, the name Bloom was used more, but over time, traders in this class named this product the factory name, but the elders in this market still named it Bloom. Visit our site for more information on competitive prices of High grade steel billet.

High grade steel billet affordable prices

What is the difference between steel bars and steel billets?

What is the difference between steel bars and steel billets? Rectangular cubes, unlike logs and steel billet are made of steel and are usually 230mm thick, 1.25m wide and 12m long. Sheets are also called sheets. Plates are the raw material of steel sheet making. It is important to cut the inflorescences from the side of common way to produce steel around the world. In this method, after pelleting, iron ore containing coke and lime is poured into a blast furnace and crude iron or cast iron is obtained. Crude iron is then converted into molten steel by blowing oxygen in a converter furnace.

Blowing oxygen also reduces the phosphorus and sulfur content of the less good the desired chemical composition, the melt is transferred to the continuous casting section with the help of a crucible. The casting unit is poured and produced as one of the steel ingots with the help of continuous melt casting technology. This method is common in Iran and is made using natural gas fuel in regenerative furnaces. The output of reduction furnace is sponge iron, which is often used as briquettes. Scrap and used iron are poured into special arc furnaces in special baskets, and then , etc. slag materials and sponge briquettes are added to the furnace.

The charge of the furnace is melted by the heat generated by composition of the melt is checked again to achieve the desired state. After the impurities are separated, the molten steel is taken to the casting unit by means of trays carrying the molten material is poured into a container called tundish, then it is wrapped in a copper mold and placed on a roller and cooled by sprinkling water, and then the frozen ingots obtained are cut to the desired size. In this way, all kinds of steel ingots can be produced. For more information on steel billet sale visit our site.

Affordable prices of High grade steel billet

Affordable prices of High grade steel billet Affordable prices of High grade steel billet are distributed by our company all over the country and have caused many applicants from other countries. Therefore, you can visit our site for more information about steel billet types.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

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