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Direct reduced iron products

Understanding the different direct reduced iron productsPurchasing various Direct reduced iron products

direct reduced iron as its name suggests, is obtained from the direct reduction of iron ore, the oxygen of which is removed during the immediate reduction operation without the need for iron ore smelting. In this method, iron ore, which has a grade of 67%, is regenerated and the result is sponge iron. After melting and regenerating in steelmaking, sponge iron is used in the casting process as the required products and is used in three forms: slabs, billets and rebars. Join us to learn more about hot briquetted iron and direct reduced iron prices.

Direct reduced iron products

Understanding the different direct reduced iron products

Understanding the different direct reduced iron products Sponge iron is generally produced by two methods, gas-based or coal-based, to restore iron. In countries with gas reserves, the gas method is commonly used. The most well-known direct gas regeneration methods are Midrex and HYL methods.

This method is one of the most widely used production methods in the world. In this method, natural gas enters the gas breakdown unit, then enters due to heat, and special catalysts are converted to hydrogen and carbon. The hydrogen and carbon then enter the furnace called the recovery furnace, where we put the iron ore pellets, and combine it with the oxygen in the iron ore pellets to regenerate the iron ore.

This method is considered as the least used and most efficient method in the world. About 80% of sponge iron is produced in this way. After that, the method is HYL, but high power consumption is one of the problems of this method.

Purchasing various Direct reduced iron products

Purchasing various Direct reduced iron products To prepare the types of products that are produced in this field, you can refer to the sellers who are active in this field to buy the product you want. In general, for these products, the use of sponge iron is increasing. About 5% of the world’s steel is made from sponge iron (DRI), and this trend is on the rise. This product is obtained by direct reduction of iron ore and is also called DRI. Today, sponge iron is created by reducing iron ore without melting it. This makes it an efficient energy source for special steel builders who relied on scrap metal.

Sponge iron is a good alternative to iron scrap, so we can supply a high percentage of raw materials to meet the melting needs of steelmaking units instead of using scrap. Finally, thank you for accompanying us to the end of this article, and we hope that this article will be useful for you and will help you make the best choices.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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