direct reduced iron prices per ton

direct reduced iron prices is changing due to market fluctuations and the amount of demand. The hardware market has not experienced good conditions in recent months and has been involved in a lot of fluctuations. There are many reasons for this situation. Internal factors, including demand and, more importantly, macro and micro level management policies, and external factors, led by sanctions and, by nature, currency price fluctuations.
What does reduced iron mean?
The downward trend in bullion prices has continued, indicating that falling steel prices may continue. In the global iron market, there are still signs of rising steel prices, which could lead to a further increase in steel prices, but there is still no sign of the impact of the global market on domestic prices. However, it can not be said that positive signs in the global market will have a significant impact on the domestic market.
This trend of price fluctuations is due to the evacuation of market inflammations and it can be said that its continuation will depend on the activity of buyers in the market. However, the continuation of the downward trend in the price of ingots reduces the possibility of an increase in the price of iron. Evidence suggests that this downturn may have been temporary, but economic and social conditions in recent days have also inflamed the market, making it more difficult.
In general, it can be said that the decrease in the price of hardware in recent days is an opportunity to change prices, and then we must wait for an upward trend in the price of these products. It is very difficult to predict in this case because the steel industry has not experienced this so far and the predictions are unlikely to be correct. Given the signs in the domestic market and the upward trend in the global market, this price trend in the domestic market was not expected, but for more accurate forecasts, more evidence should be available.
Continuation of the downward trend in hardware prices
The downward trend in hardware prices continued and increased the possibility of stabilizing this trend. The trend in this market has increased the likelihood of further price reductions, and this may cause problems in the market for these products. Due to recent social issues and the decline of the stock market, these problems have become greater.
direct reduced iron prices in Asia
One of the most important reasons for the increase in steel prices is the decrease in imports. Decreased imports can cause ironmongers to be more cautious in selling their products, so that they do not have to replenish their stock and supply their products if the warehouses are empty, so supply will be less in demand and products will be cheaper. Higher will reach consumers.
Rising exchange rates have been one of the major issues affecting hardware sponge iron prices today. Sudden exchange rate fluctuations and shocks can cause numerous shocks to the market and disrupt market stability, also because of the import of materials. Initial steel is calculated at half the exchange rate. Fluctuations in exchange rates will have a large effect on the base rate of iron and steel in the commodity exchange.
Due to the increase in the exchange rate in recent weeks, we have also seen an increase in the selling price of sponge iron products. If the exchange rate falls in the future, we will see a change and decrease in the price of steel products, including the price of corners, sheets, pipes and profiles.
After the US withdrawal from the UN Security Council, the markets for iron, steel, aluminum, copper and lead, which may play a role in the nuclear program, have been sanctioned, making it more difficult for Iranian iron and steel companies to obtain raw materials, which has pushed up prices. Has been.
In addition to sanctions, another reason for the decline in exports is the increase in the exchange rate, as we have said, this can affect all market segments. In addition, it has a great impact on related markets and industries such as automobiles, construction, etc.
In recent months, many people have turned to investing in the stock market and have bought the shares of companies active in this industry. Also, by increasing the exchange rate and reducing exports, etc., production units can not keep the price of their products constant, and this The issue can cause a lot of fluctuations in the stock market and the restrictions that arise with the supply of goods in the stock market cause problems in pricing goods and ultimately lead to an increase in the price of steel products, including the price of beams and rebars, and so on.
Also, the supply of goods in the stock market reduces liquidity in production units, and can have a great impact on the production of production units, especially small units. Finally, with the reduction of production, the supply of goods will be less than the demand, and as a result, the price of steel products will increase.
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