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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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Different sponge iron sizes for sale

What is sponge iron?Purchase Different sponge iron sizes

Sponge iron, which has a spongy appearance, appears in the form of spherical pieces (pellets), therefore it is called sponge iron. Sponge iron has a high iron grade, which is more common today due to the lack of scrap iron and its rising price and environmental issues. For more information on different sizes of sponge iron sizes visit our site.

Different sponge iron sizes for sale

What is sponge iron?

What is sponge iron? It can be said that the use of sponge iron in induction furnaces can change the scrap by about 50%. However, its application in induction furnaces requires technical knowledge and experience. The use of sponge iron is also a significant advance in the ongoing casting of the steel industry. It can be used in almost all steelmaking methods. The use of sponge iron began in Iran’s induction furnaces in 1989.

In those years, there was no shortage of scrap, and although scrap quality decreased, nobody thought of using sponges. Because it was generally believed that sponge iron was not suitable for induction furnaces. Indians and Chinese who sell induction furnaces to Iran were also not encouraged to use them. Probably because the parameters for the efficiency of their furnaces have dropped. On the other hand, charcoal-based sponge iron is used in India, which contains little carbon, and the Indians were not very competent in Iran’s method of using gas-based sponge iron. In 1989, for some reason, one of the induction factories in Yazd first started using sponges. Later, many factories used sponge iron, albeit delayed. In almost all factories, the initial reaction was negative.

Because they were unfamiliar with the charging method, and secondly, the phosphorus and sulfur in spongy iron disrupted the melting analysis compared to scrap and made high carbon more difficult. The melting time was long and the slag was very, very horrible. So as soon as it was used, many factories stopped using it until recently. This method is one of the most used production methods in Iran and the world. In this method, natural gas enters the gas cracking unit, then it is introduced with heat and special catalysts are converted into hydrogen and carbon.

These hydrogen and carbon then enter a furnace called a reduction furnace and regenerate the iron ore by melting the iron pellets and combining them with oxygen pellets.This method is the least consumed and most efficient method in Iran and in the world. Approximately 80% of Iranian sponge iron is produced in this way. Then there is the HYL method, but there are problems with high power consumption and capacity. For this reason, HYL method and coal-based methods are not used in Iran. For more information about the sponge iron price visit our site.

Purchase Different sponge iron sizes

Purchase Different sponge iron sizes sponge iron export is also exported to other countries by our manufacturing company, and because this product has good quality, more countries buy this product, so you can visit our official site to purchase Different sponge iron sizes.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

instagram icon twitter: CoSimurgh@

Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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