Iron ore supply in bulk

Iron ore is one of the stones that is obtained from mines and it is purified and its impurities are taken and it is used in making different metals. This product has different uses, the exceptional central iron ore supply must be from The main sellers wanted to provide this product directly to the major buyers directly and without intermediaries at a very reasonable price.
What is iron ore?
This product is produced by direct reduction of iron ore, that is, it is obtained by removing oxygen without melting iron ore, and it has various uses, the initial shape of which is spherical, which is why it is called sponge. The second point is that this product is not used by itself but in the manufacture of other products that are valuable. Sponge iron ore, after being melted in steel making, is used in three forms: rears, ingots and slabs. Due to its high iron content, it is used as a cost-effective product instead of scrap iron, which can be a good alternative to scrap iron in steel making and meet its needs.
The third point is that the use of sponge iron ore instead of scrap iron has various advantages and makes it consume less energy and it is easier and easier to store than scrap iron and its use is associated with more safety. Danger Explosion and the concentration of impurities are also significantly reduced. Sponge iron ore, which is called non-intermediate and direct reduction iron, is one of the most widely used products in the steel industry and other industries.
This type of product is produced by direct oxidation of iron ore in various forms such as: pellets, clods and debris. This type of stone, as its name implies, has a spongy appearance and also has a very high grade. One of the most important characteristics of sponge iron ore is its high quality, which is why it can be used in a variety of industries that require a lot of scrap iron.
Supplying iron ore in bulk
The price of central iron ore varies according to various factors and its quality, and its daily price is determined by reputable and original sellers who sell it without intermediaries, whose price is significantly different from the selling price of brokers and intermediaries. The mediated price is much higher than the real iron ore price, so it is very beneficial for the major buyer to receive it directly and without intermediaries to save time and money, and on the other hand the product offered by the original seller from It is more reliable in terms of quality.
The direct purchase of this product is easy and there is no need for the customer to purchase it in person, but he can order it online and without paying the shipping cost with the best and fastest service, it can be purchased at the price of iron ore sale.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
Ways of communication: Phone number: 02147623014
Phone number: 04133660491
Phone number: 09120169267
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