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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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Direct reduced iron Global market outlook

How is iron ore reduced?Domestic demand for direct reduced iron

Calculations show that the country’s iron exports in 1404 in different cases should be between 11 and 16 million tons, so now we must move forward to increase exports and increase the percentage of Iran’s market share in world markets.

Reaching the perspective of 56 million tons of iron production on the horizon of 1404 is one of the policies that are seriously pursued by the officials of the country’s iron industry and its achievement is very important for stabilizing Iran’s important position in iron ore production and maintaining its export market share.

For information about direct reduced iron visit our site.

Direct reduced iron Global market outlook

How is iron ore reduced?

How is iron ore reduced? High energy availability of open waters, abundant sources of iron ore, excellent geographical location of Iran and the existence of human capital, both quantitatively and qualitatively, are among the most important advantages that have strengthened the share of iron ore in the Iranian economy.

Requirement to follow categories in planning

Despite revisions made over the years to the comprehensive iron ore price plan, there are still doubts that this goal will be achieved, and some believe that achieving this figure should not marginalize the country’s main iron production priorities, ie competitive production. The price of iron.

For information about direct reduced iron prices Visit our site.

Domestic demand for direct reduced iron

Domestic demand for direct reduced iron

According to this view, steel production in Iran is far from the world average by many criteria, and according to Bahram Sobhani, the global average steel production is equal to two people per hour per ton, which is five in the steel complex.

According to the CEO of the Steel Complex, the production of 56 million tons of iron in 1404 should be a competitive product. It is on this path.

Iron Price Perspective According to 3 Theories

Studies show that in order to achieve the goal of 56 million tons of steel production, the industry needs to supply 161 million tons of iron ore, and this figure is currently about 63 million tons, and to achieve this goal in 9 years, 11 million annually. Tone to increase the country’s iron ore production.

This figure is 81 million tons for the pellet sector and 87 million tons for the concentrate.

Currently, the per capita consumption of iron in the country is between 231 and 261 kg per year; This means that on average, every Iranian needs 231 to 261 kilograms of iron per year, and this ranking, which is known as one of the indicators for recognizing progress, is over 301 kilograms in developed countries and about 1000 kilograms in South Korea.

The goals of the Iranian steel market

To achieve the goal of producing 56 million tons, the three main issues in steel consumption are discussed; In the first demand, and with the idea of ​​sustainable economic growth and per capita income growth as an average of 11 years ago, the country’s per capita iron consumption and relying on these assumptions in 1404 will be 454 kg, assuming a population of 91 million, iron consumption At that time, it will be 50 million tons. Accordingly, according to the report, the country’s crude iron exports should be around 16 million tons.

For information about reduced iron formula
Visit our site.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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