World class iron briquette market value

As we know, sponge iron is the only suitable product obtained from mineral ore processing that can be used in arc and induction furnaces. Unfortunately, iron ore pellets cannot be used directly in this type of furnace. Sponge iron is made from pellets. For more information on world class iron briquettes, please visit our website.
Positive features of World class iron briquette
The inlet temperature of sponge iron in the production of cold sponge iron briquettes corresponds to the ambient temperature. One of the important advantages of cold sponge iron briquette, in addition to correcting the sponge iron defects it contains, is the ability to add alloying elements to the buyer’s order at the sponge iron briquette production phase. Hot briquette When making hot briquettes, the temperature of the sponge iron entering the press is 650 ° C. For this reason, the resulting sponge iron briquette is called hot sponge iron briquette. The temperature of the sponge iron released by the direct reduction unit is 650 ° C.
If the briquette production unit is located next to the direct reduction unit and the sponge iron leaving the reduction unit can be inserted directly into the press machine, considerable cost savings can be achieved. The price of sponge iron briquettes The price of sponge iron briquettes completely depends on the properties indicated in the product analysis sheet. The percentage of carbon in the product, the percentage of total iron, the percentage of e.g. metal and of course the percentage of alloys or interfering elements in the product influence the final price quoted.
Sponge iron briquette is a product made from sponge iron. In the briquetting process, the sponge iron is divided into two groups depending on the temperature at which it enters the briquetting machine: cold and hot briquetting. With cold briquetting, the materials enter the briquetting machine at ambient temperature. Depending on the type of material that goes into the machine, there are two types of products: soft iron sponge briquette – sponge cold briquette. The hot sponge iron briquette is made from hot sponge iron at a temperature of more than 650 degrees Celsius during the briquetting process . This type of product is better known in the world in terms of safety and transportation. For more information on the iron briquette price please visit our website.
Market value of World class iron briquette
The market value of world class iron briquette is very high and has many uses and is distributed by our company at a good price throughout the country, so you can For more information about iron briquette supply, visit our site.
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