Steel studs for sale

The arc shield or ceramic ring of the welding protector must be completely dry. If it is wet due to the effects of moisture or rain, it should be kept at 120 ° C for 2 hours before use to dry completely. The longitudinal and transverse distances of the spikes from each other, as well as the distance from the beam or beam to the wing edge, may differ from those shown in the drawings by 25 mm. This distance should not be less than 38 mm. For more information on steel studs for sale, visit our site.
Are steel studs cheaper than wood?
In case of studs embedded in concrete, the ceramic ring should be broken and removed. It is not necessary to break the ceramic ring on other studs, but it is better to do so. In addition to objective inspection, testing should include bending of the stud about 30 degrees after cooling. The bending test can be done with a lever, not a hammer. At temperatures below 10 ° C, the bending test should be performed with slow loading so that the stud is not destroyed by brittle fracture. When an unacceptable stud is removed from the surface of the element under tensile stress, the surface from which the stud is removed must be ground and flattened.
Studs should be welded using automatic stud welding equipment connected to a positively polarized DC power source. During welding, the gun should be held in the initial welding position until the molten metal has hardened. Welding should be avoided if the base metal temperature is below -18 or if the weld surface is wet. In low areas or projects where it is not possible to provide the necessary three-phase electricity, the inverter can be used for direct welding of the stud to the metal structure. In this method, the galvanized sheet must first be cut from the joint.
In any case, the weld test should be made with a 60 degree angle arm and the weld should not be broken or disconnected from the weld joint. The method of application is that the stud is held by the rod holder or machine gun, and a very strong electric arc occurs between the stud and the galvanized sheet metal surface of the steel deck. You will want a stud, a spherical extension. The vision is usually made of aluminum and has a very low melting point. This difference in melting point is the first hundredth of a second, with this extension melting suddenly with a small in-situ explosion that lifts the galvanized steel deck sheet in place.
Then, with the continuation of the electric arc on the beam at the connection point, a molten zone is created and the gun of the machine automatically places the stud on the molten material. This is controlled and adjusted by the experience of the device operator. . The serrated ceramic flame cover, which is placed on the stud during application, does two things: For more information on steel studs sizes visit our site.
Purchase steel studs in bulk
metal studs price fluctuates a lot and has a high quality that the price of global currencies has affected the final price. But you can visit our official website Purchase steel studs in bulk.
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