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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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Top notch Iron mill scale world trade statistics 2021

Unique Characteristics of Iron mill scaleWorld trade statistics of Iron mill scale

The manufacture of sponge iron using the tunnel kiln process was first developed in Sweden in 1911 under the name Hoganas process. After many improvements over the years, this process is now recognized as an efficient process with good efficiency in the manufacture of sponge iron. One of the main advantages of this method is the ability to build small sponge iron production plants with low investment that is also economically justified. Please visit our website for more information on Top notch Iron mill scale.

Top notch Iron mill scale world trade statistics 2021

Unique Characteristics of Iron mill scale

Unique Characteristics of Iron mill scale Possibility of using both types of hematite and magnetite iron ores in this process and the existence of iron ore mineral resources, especially scattered mines with low reserves in Iran, no restrictions on the use of substandard coal with high reactive properties, the possibility of using natural gas as a Clean and cheap energy source in the country compared to other countries active in the iron and steel industry and the need for sponge iron to be replaced with scrap iron to increase the quality of steelmaking processes, are the advantages of building an industrial unit for the production of sponge iron.

Tabas mines have been used as raw material and sponge iron with high purity has been obtained. Sponge iron is one of the ideal raw materials in the steel industry and the use of appropriate and quality raw materials leads to the development of steel industries, especially the production of special steels such as stainless steels, tool steels, bearing steels, spring steels and alloy steels. Sponge iron can be used in steelmaking units, which is considered to be completely pure and high quality.

Compared to scrap, the advantages of using sponge iron, especially briquettes, are greater integrity in the composition, less harmful elements due to its porous nature, and less environmental and transportation problems. Also, sponge iron powder can be used in powder metallurgy industries to produce various industrial parts. The materials will enter the mixer and storage silos in a certain proportion. The material is then transferred to an automatic charging system and charged into silicon carbide plants.

The plants are transferred to the tunnel kiln on the wagons, and after the preheating, regeneration and cooler steps, they will be removed from the kiln as sponge iron. The extracted sponge iron is crushed and can be produced and marketed in both iron powder and cold sponge iron briquettes. For more information about Iron mill scale supply, visit our site.

World trade statistics of Iron mill scale

World trade statistics of Iron mill scale World trade statistics of Iron mill scale is accompanied by a lot of growth so that in the shortest possible time it has opened its place in domestic and foreign markets. Therefore, you can refer to our official website about Iron mill scale wholesale.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

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