structural and steel products+ steel goode products

The goal of Steel goode Products (SGP) products is to combine quality service structural, steel products, and cost savings in one package, which depends on the true satisfaction of our customers. We specialize in providing products and services that comply with ISO-9001: 2015 quality management systems in each of our regions. SGP’s strategic footprint brings its services closer to customers, with shorter processing time and lower logistics costs, SGP ensures rapid evaluation of large and small projects.
The SGP service line includes the application and finishing of thermal spray coatings to a variety of components to increase wear and corrosion protection in various industries.
- HVOF coating
- flame spray
- remove the electric carbide
- Sanding (surface and cylinder)
- Lapping (wonderful and ordinary)
- polishing
- explode
- an investigation
Steel Goode was founded in Houston, Texas in 2013, and provides HVOF thermal spraying services and related services to the US oil and gas market. Today, SGP has expanded its reach by serving multiple industries between three locations in Houston, Texas, Odessa, and Cadiz, Ohio, with more than 70,000 square feet of operating space between the facilities.
Each SGP location operates under an ISO-9001: 2015 certified quality management system that meets our client’s requirements. The SGP serves both large and small tasks and has successfully exceeded its capacity requirements for surface and pit equipment.
What are the steps from galvanized sheet to production to packaging?
Galvanized products made in roll or plate form are used as raw material of pipe and profile systems. One of the main galvanizing plants is Mobarakeh Steel Company in Isfahan. After production is completed and the relevant inspections have been passed, the galvanized products are transferred to the steel strip packaging unit and sold in the next phase, which can be easily transferred to domestic or foreign markets.
There are many ways to pack steel depending on the buyer, destination and domestic or export needs. In the domestic market, the spiral band is half-rolled, while the spiral band is fully threaded for export.
What should you be aware of when transporting galvanized sheet?
The protection of the edge of the plate is one of the things that should be considered when moving the plate and coil. The purpose of spool packaging is to protect the steel surface and facilitate the transfer of the product. Therefore, the displacement of the spiral is particularly important. During the transfer process, try to avoid stacking, stacking and collision with the surrounding environment and avoid such situations respectively.
What is a steel belt and what is it used for?
Steel strips are made from steel sheets cut into long, thin strips for bobbin packaging. The steel strip is wound and tightened around the spool. This is very important, and something to be aware of is to avoid pulling on the harness, because if the harness is pulled and torn, it can hit and injure people in that environment.
What are safety tips for sheet wrappers?
Due to possible risks such as belt tearing and damage, it is best to use appropriate tools when handling the sheet, as described below:
- safety suit
- Safety equipment at work
- hat
- Gloves to prevent hand injuries from potentially winning games
- goggles
- Work safety shoes to minimize damage from objects hitting the foot
- And so on.
There is always the possibility of broken braces and loose spools, so it is important to follow safety tips and standards.
What should you be aware of when storing galvanized sheet?
Galvanized sheet has special sensitivities compared to other sheets, so it is important to adhere to the relevant principles and standards of storage, which we discuss in detail below:
- All steel, especially galvanized sheets, should not be in direct contact with the ground when stored, so it is best to provide a large wood and metal surface on which the steel can be placed so that it is exposed to moisture and acids. catch.
- Storage air of galvanized sheets must be dry, free from moisture, clean, and free from chemicals and contamination.
- The storage temperature of the galvanized sheet must be uniform to avoid premature corrosion of the product.
structural and steel products
Structural and Steel Products, headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, manufactures and distributes products used in the final highway construction market, including roof sign structures, guardrails, crash pads, light beams, and bridge decks. he does. In addition, we produce tubular structures used in the communications and transmission industries. Our customers are mainly located in the Sun Belt area of the United States. We believe that in order to be successful, we must continue to listen to our customers and respond to their needs. We believe that responding to change is essential to the success of our customers and therefore to our survival as a supplier. Finally, we strive to make our business as enjoyable and hassle-free as possible.
steel goode products
Goode steel products is one of the good companies as we mentioned in the previous part. This company is currently working on thermal spray services. To explain the services we can say that, Thermal spray coating was invented in Switzerland in 1910. The feed type of the coating material for this method is wire and powder. Due to the high pressure and high speed, the gas is sprayed on the workpiece. In the thermal spraying method, when the powder is applied, the paint enters the flame of the spray gun with the carrier gas in the form of powder, and vacuum powder is generated in this part, and the powder is sucked into the flame together with the carrier gas, and these particles are melted and kneaded and then beaten and cut the surface and adhere to it.
Another feeding method is the gun method, in which the coating is melted and held in a trough, and the molten trough is pulled out and pulverized on the substrate by directing a rapid gas flow through the front of the hole. Of course, this method is rarely used today
In thermal spraying, two or more materials may be used, so in cases where a composite or mixture is to be sprayed, two or more cans or more threads of coating material may be used, or a powder mixture may be used. The two materials are sprayed together, mixed materials can also be mixed by spraying, or NiAL mixing powder can be applied directly, the two materials are mixed during spraying and a new coating is created by creating a thermal spray medium. It is heat and this extra heat improves the performance and quality of the coating. Today, this method is used in the advanced aerospace industry.
Steel Series products
SteelSeries products is a company related to electronic manufacturing and tools. Using different alloys in the market and steel industry is one of the key factors in the steel manufacturing process. As parent industries, including steel, play the most important role in countries’ economies, the electrification of their trade and commerce is crucial to modernization. As mentioned earlier (hyperlink to the previous report), economic policymakers should pay more attention to this area, because without e-commerce, we have nothing to say in a competitive business world. The question now is, despite being aware of this necessity, why does the established steel industry not enter the field and benefit from this trade? Problems with this approach are not far off: Lack of legal and enforcement requirements and standards, the steel industry is huge and relatively incompatible with new e-commerce models, rapid management changes, lack of comprehensive and flexible technology roadmaps for change in the world, and lack of compatibility with necessary training related to this type of business, industry leaders are not aware of the benefits of e-commerce and how to interact, lack of necessary infrastructure to build and scale it, lack of efficient experts and very low internet speeds in Iran.
Despite all these problems, some effort has been made. The launch of the smart hardware market is the most visible manifestation of the elimination of intermediaries in the artisan-customer relationship and is expected to affect steel prices by 15% to 50% and increase sales and business development. Global marketing and lower advertising costs are other benefits. This report focuses on customer behavior in the steel industry using e-commerce.
This is the focus of the development of iron and steel companies in this context. Customers’ growing use of e-procurement is accelerating the growth of this business in the steel industry; is it, therefore, helpful for steel industry leaders to understand what factors and motivations influence customer behavior by using this method? Benefit and Lightness Keys to a Positive Attitude: Methods and Recommendations All steel advertising and financial incentives to persuade customers to use e-commerce methods will work when there are already two requirements in the customer’s mind as the main motivation: profit and ease.
Empirical and statistical studies have shown that there is a direct statistical correlation between these two motivations and positive attitudes towards using electronic sales tools. In today’s competitive market, it is important to explain to the customer the practicality and ease of use of the e-commerce approach if the steelmaker rightly decides to rely on the customer. Especially with changing customers, it may be the first solution to find new customers who are initially interested in using this approach, but retaining existing and old customers naturally requires finding new customers and potential risks and of course real costs. Consistency in customer memory is important at a time when customers’ choices increase dramatically. Using e-commerce for the steel industry to create a good memory by providing better service at a lower cost and minimizing the time required to access services that used to waste a lot of customer time, which is left in the customer’s memory in the secret. E-commerce also makes the company’s time and space inefficient and helps to respond quickly to customers’ needs, even their complaints. For leaders with experience in the steel industry, it is a waste of time and space, like a wreck in the sky, making them more mobile in what is one of the “heavy industries”.
Tools and technology play an important role in e-commerce when customers are in the game and customer satisfaction is everything. For example, in a factory, its website should be popular with the customers to encourage them to have avatars on the market.
A hypothetical production company with social influence in cyberspace and online environments to improve its reputation and influence customer attitudes. Continuous communication via SMS and other electronic means Communicate during the customer’s purchase process from the company and create a picture of the ongoing steps and determine the benefits of e-commerce in his mind. Internet-based e-commerce environments allow customers to search for information and purchase goods and services by directly contacting online stores.
A pleasant e-commerce experience for customers in the steel industry is possible through collaboration with web specialists and website designers and with the application that the customer requires.
In addition, hosting workshops and inviting e-commerce experts to explain this new way of doing business to customers can positively impact their attitudes and facilitate and accelerate their development. E-commerce is a new way with a relatively short history, an old and deeply rooted steel industry; but it is a misconception to think that e-commerce is limited to the crude steel industry and its use is limited to online ordering of food, books, taxis, etc.
Process technology for steel production
The processing unit includes general process and process flow: process design and engineering, site selection, equipment layout, insulation, and paint
Refractory material unit: design and construction of refractory material, technical specification for refractory material, layout drawing for refractory material, and detailed drawing
Mechanical units: design and construction of stationary equipment, rotating equipment, material handling systems, machinery, forklifts, and dust collectors Civil, structural, and building units: Design and construction of steel and concrete structures, foundations, public buildings, landscaping, and construction site facilities, surveying, topography and soil mechanics
Pipe and liquid units: design and construction of piping systems, industrial gases, air conditioning, fire protection, water treatment, and water supply, wastewater collection, treatment and disposal, and refueling
Electrical devices: design and construction of networks and substations, distribution systems, relays, and cathodic protection
Instrumentation and automation units: Design and construction of automation and instrumentation systems The main equipment in the iron and steel industry units at each plant is introduced as follows.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
Ways of communication: Phone number: 02147623014
Phone number: 04133660491
Phone number: 09120169267
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