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Steel slabs Wholesale Supplier in 2020

Reasons for popularity of steel slabsBulk supply of Steel slabs in 2020

steel slabs wholesale supplier in 2020 by offering quality products has been able to make high profits. Steel ingots are the first portable and transportable products obtained from steelmaking processes (after iron extraction and crude steel production) that are solid and portable in size. In fact, the ingot process is one of the intermediate processes of rolling steels, which are the raw material of downstream industries. Ingots are made by freezing molten metal in molds and serve several purposes.

Steel slabs Wholesale Supplier in 2020

Reasons for popularity of steel slabs

Reasons for popularity of steel slabs As you know, the slab market in the world is a bit limited and about 2 million tons of slabs are traded annually. In our country, Hormozgan steel plant is known for the production of slabs, which regularly exports this product to Southeast Asian countries such as Taiwan, Thailand, and India, but according to published statistics, the export of Iranian slabs even to European countries. And Brazil is done.

In addition, according to the statistics received, the export of slabs has increased about 40 times this year, which has surprised everyone. If we want to explain the characteristics of slabs, we can say that this product is one of the steel products that are produced in semi-finished form (intermediate rolled steel products), which can be turned into the final product. It must be processed in one or more other steps.

Also, regarding the differences between this product and billets, ingots and blooms, it should be said that slabs differ from these products only in the dimensions and shape of the cross section. This product, which is also known as slabs and strips in Iran, has a cross-sectional area that, unlike bloom and billet, is not square in shape but rectangular in shape, and its thickness usually reaches 230 mm. In addition, the slab is 1.25 meters wide and 12 meters long.

This product is also used in the manufacture of steel sheets, plates and.. Slabs are also one of the intermediate products used by some steel mills, which are used to produce sheets.

As mentioned before, Khuzestan Steel is one of the largest units producing slabs or slabs in our country, which annually produces about 2.2 million tons of bloom and billet and equivalent to 1.3 million tons of this product. And produces. The only small problem with the slab is that it is very difficult to cut because it is about 25 cm thick.

Therefore, machines with special facilities should be used to cut this product. It should also be noted that billets and slabs are the brand of 22 steel products that are used in the manufacture of various types of sections and steel products. Also, the great importance and application of this product in various industries has led to the observance of international standards in the production of this product from year 1 until now, and that is why, by increasing the quality of slabs, this product has its market abroad. It has also been found in the country.

In fact, the importance of producing this product in the production of various steel products can not be ignored. In addition, even now, the production of this product with world quality has caused us to witness the supply and manufacture of various steel products with different applications and special brands in the field of steel. In Iran, different sectors of steel products are active and to continue their activities, they need to maintain contact with the producers of this product and meet their needs.

The manager of the South Steel Complex factory recently said about this product and billet and their position in the country’s steel industry: the production of steel products is done in 3 different sectors, in the second stage of production called smelting and casting, producers with steel Sponge and sometimes scrap iron and casting it in special casting molds, produce a product called billets and slabs and then provide the possibility of producing different steel sections using these two products. steel slab dimensions Is different
stainless steel slab

Bulk supply of Steel slabs in 2020

Bulk supply of Steel slabs in 2020 Steel industry is one of the major industries in the country that has played an important role in national production, job creation and in recent years in providing the currency needed by the country. Fortunately, after the imposed war, the domestic steel chain has developed so much that Iran has grown from a major importer in the pre-1980s to an exporter of various types of steel to various countries, so that each industry related to the steel chain is made of stone. Iron to final products such as sheets, rebars, beams and… meet almost all domestic needs, and in some products, due to excess production over the needs of the country, we are exporting.

On the other hand, stainless steel slab has a very important role in the production of other important consumer products in the country. Automotive, home appliances, housing, oil and gas industries and hundreds of small and large industries, but despite such advances in steel production and supply, the domestic steel market is always inflamed and unfortunately most consumers are dissatisfied with the purchase conditions and transaction prices and prices. The market is far beyond world prices. Also, the policy-making authority in the field of steel (Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade and Market Regulation Headquarters) despite several approvals has not been able to succeed in managing the steel chain market and according to the available evidence, in some cases has caused turmoil in this market.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

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