Steel billets for sale on the market

The terms billet and bloom ingots in the consumer market are sometimes mistakenly used interchangeably, while bloom ingots are often used to make industrial re bars and are in sizes 180 and above, but the size of steel billets is often lower. Of course, it should be noted that some production units have the ability to use both types of products to produce re bars, so that currently more than 10 production units use billets and blooms to produce steel rods.
How are steel billets made?
steel billets is one of the most important products of iron companies, which is used today for special purposes in various industries. This product has different types with different structural and physical characteristics, each of which is used for special applications. Types of steel billets can be rolled into black or hot sheet, oiled sheet or cold sheet; Galvanized sheet, colored sheet; He mentioned acid washing sheets, tin tin sheets and shutter sheets.
Each of these products has unique features that are used in various industries. For example, blackboard is one of the most widely used steel billets and is used in construction, automotive and heavy metal industries. This steel billets is produced in the form of hot rolling, which is stretchable and has high flexibility. Black sheet prices are usually lower than other cold rolled sheets. Oiled sheets also fall into the category of cold rolled steel sheets, which have a high surface quality and are mostly used for applications where the appearance of the sheet is important.
Buy steel billets at affordable prices
steel billets are in the category of semi-finished steel goods or in general, intermediate products of steel rolling, and in the production process, after performing several steps on this product, the final products are finally produced. The steel billets has a trapezoidal cross-sectional area that is less than 2 meters long and its dimensions are suitable for transportation and storage. steel billets are available in the consumer market in three forms: bloom, billet and fabric. These three products are fundamentally different from each other and are sometimes mistakenly referred to as so-called. what are steel billets uses? how much is steel billets price?
steel billets are produced by ccm method in all countries and in general, if the ingots reach the rolling stage directly from ccm production, it is known as billet. This product is mostly used in rolling industries for the production of re bar and steel wire. If steel billets are produced in larger sizes and reach the desired size after rolling, they are called fabric. Also, billet refers to products that have been cut from the side of the slab or all the slabs have been turned into ingots. It should be noted that the production method of all these products is the same and there is no difference between their process.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
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