Sponge iron sludge international merchandise trade

Sponge iron pellets are produced from direct reduction of iron ore pellets for use in furnaces. The metallization degree of this product is 92% and comes from the pores in its structure called “sponge”. For more information about Sponge iron sludge visit our site.
Experimental analysis on the use of Sponge iron sludge
The invention relates to a method for producing briquettes from pellet powders, DRI sludge, DRI powders and dusts from DRI dedusting systems, thereby reintroducing them into steelmaking processes and contributing to the reuse of byproducts. Alongside these processes helps to minimize stocks of such materials and consequently improve the environment. The invention includes: grinding and sieving pellet powders and DRI sludge; Elimination of DRI penalties; Storage of dust from DRI dedusting systems; briquetting with roller presses using liquid sodium silicate and bentonite or composite Portland cement as binders; sieving briquettes; shredding the edges and waste of fresh briquettes; and hardening to improve its physical properties such as strength.
After curing, fresh briquettes can be stored or sent directly to reduced iron production processes for use as part of the feedstock for reduction furnaces or reactors. Sponge iron plants based on two main commercially established processes, coal-based rotary furnaces and gas-based shaft furnace reactors. Coal-based rotary furnaces produce DRI pellets and are more stable and can be stored longer. The gas-fired shaft furnace produces DRI that must be used immediately or converted into Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) blocks that can be packaged and stored for longer.
India is the world’s largest producer of iron sponges, with a range of coal-based units located in the country’s mineral-rich states. Over the years, the coal-based route has emerged as a major contributor, accounting for 89% of the total sponge iron production in the country. Capacity in sponge iron production has also increased over the years and remained at 45 mt in 2013-14.
Sponge iron capacity has also increased over the years, as the utilization capacity of these facilities is largely dependent on the domestic price of scrap. 2005 National steel policy predicted 110 million tons, 30% of which will be sponge rail. India is also a leading sponge iron producer with a range of coal-based units located in the country’s mineral-rich states. Over the years, the coal-based route has emerged as an important contribution to overall production.
Capacity in sponge iron making has also increased over the years and is now 46.23 million tons in 2014-15. Major players on the DRI route are TATA Sponge, ESSAR, JSPL and ISPAT. The main production (about 60%) of iron sponge comes from the states of Chhattisgarh, Orissa and West Bengal. For more information about what is sponge iron used for visit our site.
International merchandise trade of Sponge iron sludge
The international merchandise trade of Sponge iron sludge is growing well and has made good currency for us so that most countries also buy this product. So for more information about sponge iron process, visit our site.
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