Sponge iron fines price in 2021

Sales of sponge iron fines in Iran cut certainty due to the activity of a very wide units pelletizing also factory steelmaker in the country, etc. a significant percentage of iron ore concentrate production after conversion to the pelletizing of iron or sponge iron, etc. about the consumer units, steel internally placed. Factories such as steel, Mobarakeh, Isfahan, Iran, melting iron, Sangan, etc.
What are Sponge iron fines?
Other items that are often referred to are granularity and concentrate size. The percentage of moisture content of sponge iron fines supply is also criterion and are effective in determining price. Iron ore concentrate factory in Iran, concentrate factories are engaged.
There are iron mines, and fortunately, the furnishing of equipment-to-day conditions on an annual production of several million tons of iron ore granulation, also iron concentrate for units of mineralizing layout in the mines of expertise. At present, iron concentrate factories in different regions of our country such as Kerman, Khorasan, Yazd, Zanjan, Kurdistan and yen process this product. In some areas, of course, unfortunately the mines are not fully equipped.
Therefore, iron ore is supplied with lower purity without complete processing. Among the mines of the city of Zanjan, due to defects or lack of processing equipment, the product is often supplied in raw form. However, recently, some mines have attempted to equip units and initiate the production of concentrates, and now the supply of iron ore granulation, as well as iron ore concentrates are.
Latest price of sponge iron fines
Annual iron ore concentrate exports iron ore in iron ore granulation forms, iron ore concentrate also iron ore pellets in tonnages of several million tons are sent to other countries. Many countries are the target market for iron ore exports in Iran. The most important of them is China. The largest amount of sponge iron fines sale exported by Iran is exported to China. Other countries include India, Kuwait, Turkey, Russian Federation, Iraq, Malaysia, UAE, Central African Republic, Turkmenistan requirements. You can see a screenshot of Iran’s iron ore concentrate export statistics for 1397 below.
We statistically declare some of the exports of iron ore concentrate to China in 2017 in this sector. Exports this year reported about more than five million and three hundred tons. India has also had more than one hundred and sixty thousand tons of iron ore concentrate from Iran as the second largest import buyer. Country Kuwait, Turkey and the Netherlands from other buyers of iron ore concentrate are from Iran whose names are in the list of destinations of export Chamber of Commerce of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been recorded. Loading ports are mostly southern ports of our country considering that the greatest amount of exports to China is carried out. Shahid Rajaee’s most share port and special area of Mines and metals. Other ports include the special petrochemical zone of Imam Khomeini port, Imam Khomeini port, Bushehr 1 Special Economic Zone, rafsanjan. Also, sending iron concentrate to the Netherlands in one-ton quantity as a sample through imam airport is registered in the Chamber of Commerce table.
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