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Sponge iron fines for sale in 2021

What is sponge iron used for?Purchase of sponge iron fines in 2021

Appearance of sponge iron in the form of spherical pieces (pellets) that have a appearance, which is why it is called sponge iron. Sponge iron has a high iron content, which is more common today due to the lack of scrap iron and increasing price, as well as environmental problems. For more information sponge iron fines please visit our website.

Sponge iron fines for sale in 2021

What is sponge iron used for?

What is sponge iron used for? The iron content and the amount of iron in sponge iron are between . The high sponge iron content makes it a good source for iron and steel production. As mentioned earlier, sponge iron is obtained by recycling natural or processed iron ore that has not reached melting point. Iron ore reduction in Iran is often done using Midrex technology. Midrex With this technology, iron ore pellets are regenerated directly with broken. In this way, natural gas first enters the gas breaking unit (reformer) and due to the effect of heat, the presence of special is broken up and separated into H2 and CO.

The released hydrogen and carbon monoxide enter the reduction furnace with the oxygen in the molten pellet, reducing the iron ore. In this process, iron ore pellets with a quality of 67% are regenerated and sponge iron (porous pellets) is produced by (about 92 degrees). The product manufactured in the reduction unit does not pass through the cooling section of the furnace and is transferred to the steel making section of the furnace for direct loading special material transfer system at a temperature of around 600 ° C. Also say DRI direct iron ore reduction.

After melting and reducing in steel making, sponge iron is three forms in the casting process: plate, billet and rebar. About 5% of the world’s steel is made from sponge iron (DRI) today, and this trend is increasing. Pellet is an iron compound the concentration of iron ore (concentrate). The amount of pellets used in the manufacture of DRI per ton of product is approximately 1.45 tons.

It should be noted that the choice of direct iron ore extraction method depends on the location of the production the resources available. For example, in Iran, given the rich gas resources, the choice of gas resources is a more logical choice, and gas is used as a reducing agent. As you know, using coal resources for regeneration also creates problems with air pollution and the mines are accessible. Today India is the largest sponge iron producer in the world that relies on coal to revive iron ore. Further information on the Direct Reduced Iron Industry can be found on our website.

Purchase of sponge iron fines in 2021

Purchase of sponge iron fines in 2021 Purchase of sponge iron fines in 2021 from our company is possible at a good price, so that our collection has been able to introduce this product to other countries and attract many buyers, so you, dear customers, can For more information about sponge iron fines specification, visit our site.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

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