Premium Cooled rolled steel Price Fluctuation

The fluctuation of the selling price of cold rolled steel sheet has been upward in the last two months. One of the reasons for this position has been the increase in demand due to the increase in its exports. Along with the increase in the selling price of Premium Cooled rolled steel, we have also seen an increase in the selling price of cold rolled steel.
Why is cold rolled steel more expensive?
This sheet is also known as oil sheet due to its glossy appearance and its high quality has increased its use in decorative applications. Other applications of this cold rolled steel plate include making office furniture, making shelves, car manufacturing, home appliances, and so on. Cold rolled sheets used in home appliances are generally in the form of fabric and sheets used in the automotive industry in the form of rolls.
In general, there are two types of cold rolled sheets on the market, which are oil sheets and galvanized sheets. Galvanized sheet or coated sheet white is an oiled sheet that is coated on both sides with zinc metal. Galvanized sheet has high corrosion and oxidation resistance. Galvanized sheet is used in wet places such as gable roofs and greenhouses and for this reason it is also known as gable sheet.
The degree of corrosion resistance of this sheet is directly related to the amount of zinc used in the coating. The thickness of various types of galvanized steel sheets is 6-0.18 mm. Galvanizing is a cost-effective method and is done in two ways: permanent heating hot galvanizing and electro-galvanizing cold galvanizing.
Price Fluctuation of Premium Cooled rolled steel
Cold rolled steel sheet added to agglomerate the product. Cold rolled steel sheet of cooked concentrate agglomerates in dimensions of 9 to 16 mm with a percentage of porosity. Cold rolled steel sheet can be used both in blast furnaces and in direct reduction of iron ore and production of sponge iron. Cold rolled steel sheets contain impurities such as silica, alumina, sulfur and phosphorus. And of course the percentage of moisture about one percent as well as iron oxide.
Cold rolled steel sheets are often balls of uniform size that have excellent abrasion resistance. And of course it has high resistance to thermal stresses. In fact, cold rolled steel sheet is regenerative. Obviously, cold rolled steel price is very important in buying cold rolled steel sheet because it is used for iron extraction.
It is based on this parameter that we price cold rolled steel sheets. This is one of the most important reasons for the difference in the prices of different shipments of cold rolled steel sheets. To inquire about the price and inventory of the day, you can contact us through the following communication channels.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
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