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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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Latest Scrap iron per ton price in 2021

What is scrap iron?Latest price of scrap iron in 2021

Scrap metal is a piece of metal that has become unusable due to friction, breakage, decay, or any other physical or chemical change. These parts are also referred to as scrap or scrap. Visit our site for more information on scrap iron per ton .

Latest Scrap iron per ton price in 2021

What is scrap iron?

What is scrap iron? Some of this scrap is produced by factories dealing with metals. For example, a piece of aluminum or iron or even blocks is produced in the factory, but studies show that it is not of the required quality and is practically unusable. So that piece is scrap and can only be used if it is recycled. Another scrap metal is broken car parts, tools, various accessories, construction waste and the like. People collect this scrap and sell it to certain centers Some companies collect scrap directly and purchase it from people or industries. The large volume of collected scrap is then separated and sorted by waste separation machines.

For example, not all iron waste is homogeneous. They should be classified according to the amount of iron in them, their density and their dimensions. After sorting, scrap is delivered to smelters and recycling plants. These factories put waste parts in melting furnaces and melt them at very high temperatures. The benefit of melting this waste is in metal recycling. That is, by melting aluminum scrap, aluminum is remade, and by melting copper scrap, new copper parts are made. This issue is very important in the country’s economy and the conservation of natural resources or metal ores.

In addition, it prevents the build-up of scrap that damages the environment. There are many types of scrap metal in the hardware industry. Due to the wide variety of steel products, it has different categories. Scrap sorting determines the types of scrap in terms of the purity of the iron in it. How scrap is sorted is determined by steel mills. Special diploma Special quality waste means oiled and black plates without rust, concrete formwork, beam head, corner piece, post piece and so on. Stylish Waste such as reinforcement, cans and profiles, top and bottom sides of the boiler, all kinds of light and heavy engine accessories, chassis.

In first quality scrap, the minimum amount of iron is 97% and the remaining three types are phosphorus and sulfur, each with half a percent, copper, cream and nickel, each of 0.20 percent, molybdenum 0.1 percent, elements of copper , nickel, molybdenum, cream is 0.35 percent in total and lead, zinc and tin each make up 0.03 percent. grade two This scrap contains 3% less iron compared to premium scrap. That is, the minimum amount of iron in these leftovers is 94%. The other six percent consists of other elements and metals. Waste such as used door and window waste, two-wheeled suitcases and motorcycles are considered second-class waste. Visit our site for more information scrap iron prices.

Latest price of scrap iron in 2021

Latest price of scrap iron in 2021 Latest price of scrap iron in 2021 in our collection is very affordable and suitable and is exported to other countries at a good price, so you can For more information about scrap iron for sale, visit our site.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

phone icon Phone number: 04133660491

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

instagram icon twitter: CoSimurgh@

Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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