Iron ore top countries for export

In 2019, Oceania accounted for about 53.8% of total iron ore exports. Latin America accounted for 19.5 percent of iron ore exports, excluding Mexico, and Europe for 9 percent. Asia accounted for 6.9 percent, Africa 5.9 percent and North America 4.9 percent of iron ore exports in 2019. iron ore top countries export their product to different countries.
Reasons for popularity of iron ore
A variety of metals are used in various industries today. But without a doubt, one of the most important types of metals used is iron. Iron ore is extracted from identified mines and after processing and refining, it is used to produce a variety of metal structures. Today’s advanced industries and civilizations largely require steel and cast iron structures made from this stone.
In this article, we will explain what iron ore is basically and how humans benefit from it.
You will also eventually understand why the use of scrap iron for steel production takes precedence over the use of minerals. Iron ore is a mineral containing traces of iron (Fe) that must be purified before it can be used.
To purify this stone, the melting and reduction process must be performed in kilns in the usual way today. This rock is one of the most abundant metal rocks on Earth, so that it can be said that about 5% of the total earth’s crust is iron oxide. iron ore price is determined according to its quality.
Exporting iron ore in bulk
Iron ores now available in the market come in a variety of shapes.
Today and earlier civilizations have all used this metal more than other types of metals. On this account, the processing of this stone is used to produce everything that requires metals.
The main uses include the construction of bridges, machinery, railways, construction equipment, home appliances, and various types of industrial equipment. iron ore suppliers sell different types of this product.
There are different types of iron ore, the three most important of which are magnetite, hematite and siderite. Hematite iron ore is a type of iron oxide fe2o3 that is widely used to extract iron. This iron ore is found in nature in red to brown and black colors. Hematite iron ore is very suitable for use in the cement industry.
This mineral has no magnetic properties and can have a maximum purity of 70% of iron metal. While magnetite iron ore has a magnetic property and is very suitable for upgrading.
Siderite iron ore is also used in countries with iron ore resource shortages and under certain conditions for iron mining. Because this type of ore is in many cases not easily processed and grade grade in mines, it is less considered for investment. The largest and largest reserves of this type of iron ore are in Canada and the United States.
These countries have reserves of several billion tons and are characterized by low iron content and high levels of silica and other impurities. Due to this large amount of reserves, the countries’ mines have an economic justification for extracting and creating processing industries.
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