Iron ore direct reduction affordable prices

The steel metal produced from iron is 100% recyclable and can be used again and again among the raw materials of consumer goods and with the same quality of raw materials. The recycling process can save a lot of raw materials and energy. Each ton of recycled steel saves on the consumption of more than 1400 kg of iron ore, 740 kg of coke coal and 120 kg of limestone. As we have mentioned, this stone has a wide range of uses in all industries and countries and it should be used carefully. Since the available stone resources of this metal, despite its abundance, are extremely limited, it is better to use ferrous scrap instead of raw stone to make steel. For more information about Iron ore direct reduction affordable prices, visit our site.
Notable cases about iron ore direct reduction
Iron ores are raw materials for the cast iron in smelting furnaces. Magnetite is used in the oil as a floating clay weighing element. Iron ores for must have a special chemical and composition in addition to special physical properties. The minimum amount of iron in raw stones suitable for production is 25 to 30%. Titanium magnetic rocks can be used to titanium and vanadium with an average of 15 to 17 percent of the available iron. The minimum amount of iron in the rocks used in smelting furnaces is determined in different ranges and these ranges depend on the type of mineral rocks. For magnetite and hematite rocks, the minimum available iron should be between 45 and 50%.
Rocks with lower iron levels are enriched by electromagnetic separation, magnetic separation, washing and extraction processes. Its important physical characteristics are: density, hardness, texture and body. Significant abundance of primary resources and mines, ease of processing and smelting and reasonable price are the main reasons for the use of iron ore. On this account, the processing of this stone is used to produce everything that requires metals. The main uses include the construction of bridges, machinery, railways, construction equipment, home appliances, and various types of industrial equipment. Various forms of iron are also used in the automotive industry and in the manufacture of war tools and equipment.
According to statistics, about 98% of the iron ore mined is used to produce steel and build steel structures. Miscellaneous and scattered applications of iron ore have also been reported. Including use in the production of concrete and cement, drilling mud, washing coal and some pigments. For more information about direct reduced iron production, visit our site.
Rational price for iron ore direct reduction
Iron ores now available in the market come in a variety of shapes. In addition to the chemical formulations between them, they are also seen in various physical forms, including granular, concentrate, and pellets. These stones will be used to make various structures made of cast iron and steel. Today and earlier civilizations have all used this metal more than other types of metals. For more information direct reduced iron price and Rational price for iron ore direct reduction, visit our site.
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