Iron concentrate suppliers in 2021

Iron concentrate is one of the products that has many benefits and is used in many cases. Concentrate suppliers use many methods to supply this product, the most continuous of which is the main supply.
What is iron concentrate?
What is Iron Concentrate?
Concentrate, which is one of the by-products made of iron ore, is used to upgrade low quality iron ore.
Concentrate is a powder extracted from iron ore. This product is completely black and is used in the steel industry, and is used to produce various types of iron pellets, sponge iron or other metal products.
Iron concentrate is very important in terms of cost and time savings in industrial products because it does not contain harmful and waste materials.
Iron ore processing is classified into two types based on the product.
Production of granulated iron ore:This process is done without water and dry. During this process, high-quality and low-quality stones are separated by different methods (magnetic method), and this final product is called granulation iron ore. Granulated iron ore is of low quality and can be used in NISA direct reduction system but in blast furnace.
Production of iron ore concentrate: To make concentrate, the metallic grade of iron ore is low and to increase this grade, various modern and sophisticated methods are used.
Why is iron ore processed?
Reasons for processing iron ore include the following:
- Control and increase the grade of iron in the rock.
- Removal and cleaning of harmful and impure stone elements.
- Integration of external and internal form of stone
Supplying iron concentrate in bulk
Today, the online platform helps businesses to introduce and sell their products in the country and international markets through the online market and to establish direct and unmediated communication with their customers. In this way, they can sell their products or find out the price of these products. One of the ways to sell iron concentrate that can be very easy for buyers is to order online, which you will learn more about in the following.
The latest iron ore concentrate price depends on factors such as inflation and fluctuations in the country. One of the methods that can be used to easily find out the price of iron ore online is that it has many fans in the world today.
The type of method is also used for buying and selling and has many advantages such as price reduction, ease of buying and selling, no waste of time and time.
Types of iron ores are mainly traded, which is a very popular method.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
Ways of communication: Phone number: 02147623014
Phone number: 04133660491
Phone number: 09120169267
WhatsApp Response (Skype): click
Instagram: simurgh_steel_company@
Facebook: ironore110@
LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@
twitter: CoSimurgh@