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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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Iron concentrate Domestic production

What is iron concentrate?Domestic production of iron concentrate

The raw material for steelmaking is iron ore. Iron ore is converted into concentrate and then pellets are converted into steel. For more information about iron concentrate domestic production, visit our site.

Iron concentrate Domestic production

What is iron concentrate?

What is iron concentrate? With the increasing demand for steel, iron concentrate production also increased. Iron ore processing is one of the most important processes in the steel production chain. Iron ore processing is divided into two categories by product: granular iron ore production and iron ore concentrate production. Granular iron ore production is done dry and without water. Then, using physical separation methods (magnetic method), high grade iron ore is separated from low grade wastes.

This product, which is called granulation iron, cannot be used in direct reduction system due to its low grade, but can be used in blast furnaces. In the deposits, the average iron ore grade is low and the amount of element is very acceptable. Therefore, the concentrate is produced by upgrading from more advanced methods and more complex circuits. The processing circuit usually consists of crushing, grinding, raising and dewatering units. In addition to these units, transportation, water supply, facilities, etc.

They are auxiliary units. The first stage (crushing) in the factory starts with the entry of the mineral into the crusher. In this section, pieces between 20-25 and 100 cm are broken in sizes smaller than 25-20 cm. Of course, a fixed screen screen is installed at the crusher inlet with holes equal to the dimensions of the crusher outlet. In this way, smaller sizes do not enter the crusher so they do not shrink. The crushed minerals then enter the next crushing and screening stage via a conveyor. In this section, which can be two-stage dry crushing depending on the size and properties of the minerals, a cone crusher is used and the sizes of the minerals are reduced to 30 mm.

Multi-stage crushing is done to control granulation and prevent over-crushing of minerals. The second stage is grinding, and minerals smaller than 30 mm in size enter the grinding stage for “wet” advanced crushing. At this stage, the material is grinded to a size of 0.5-1 mm with a self-crushing or semi-crushing mill or impression cylinder. This material with dimensions 0-1 / 5 is then directed to the next stage where it is further crushed by ball mills. In these parts, crushing is done in a “wet” environment, the crushing dimensions are controlled by hydrocyclones, and the transmission of the materials floating in the water and the slurry composition is made by pumps. For more information about the iron concentrate price, visit our site.

Domestic production of iron concentrate

Domestic production of iron concentrate Domestic production of iron concentrate Our collection has a good growth and reaches the customer at a good price. You can visit our site to buy this versatile product and get the necessary information about iron concentrate sale.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

phone icon Phone number: 04133660491

phone icon Phone number: 09120169267

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instagram icon Instagram: simurgh_steel_company@

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

instagram icon twitter: CoSimurgh@

Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

Complete the below form for consulting.


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