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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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Hot rolled steel for sale

What is hot rolled steel?Purchase hot rolled steel in bulk

The rolling process begins in the seventeenth century. In the seventeenth century, two cast iron rolls were simply placed in a wooden frame and tin and rolled through them and reduced in cross-section. Gradually, they used larger rollers moved by jumps or blue blades. The use of grooves to shape rolled product is also relevant to this period. For more information on hot rolled steel for sale. Visit our site.

Hot rolled steel for sale

What is hot rolled steel?

What is hot rolled steel? In hot rolling, metal is passed between two rollers, the distance between which is slightly less than the thickness of the inlet metal and rotated in opposite directions. The roller and metal push the metal forward, increasing its length and decreasing its thickness. The amount of thickness reduction during rolling depends on the amount of friction between the roller and the metal surface, so that the rollers slide on it instead of moving the material to deform it. In hot rolling, temperature control is important, so it is better to raise the temperature of the metal evenly to a certain amount.

The rolling process requires keeping the part warm at a certain temperature for a long time. If the part temperature is not uniform, the deformation is also non-uniform. For example, if the part is not heated sufficiently and homogeneously, the warmer outer surfaces are Internal surfaces that are cooler and more firmly rolled sooner, and if cooled after heating the part or between two rolled metal, the cooled surfaces resist deformation. So when the deformation in the inner part, which is hotter and weaker, there is a possibility of cracks or surface cracks in the part. In factories that have a lot of production, they usually use casting products. After the casting operation, the cooling is controlled so that they can enter the product into the heating roller without reheating and moving.

For heating for smaller productions or secondary operations, the temperature of the raw material (ingot, ingot, or slab) is usually room temperature. To heat these parts to the right temperature, they can be heated in oil or gas furnaces. For plain carbon steels and low alloy steels, the temperature is usually around 1200 ° C (2200 ° F). For small diameter rods, induction furnaces can be used for heating. Hot rolling usually stops at about 50 to 100 ° C (100 to 200 ° F) above the recrystallization temperature. Finishing the rolling operation at this final temperature prevents the strain of the material from hardening and creates fine and uniform grains. Before performing additional deformation, it is necessary to reheat the piece to reach the right conditions for rolling. For more information about hot rolled steel sheets, visit our site.

Purchase hot rolled steel in bulk

Purchase hot rolled steel in bulk hot rolled steel grades are produced by our collection and reach the customer at a good price. This product has a high quality and reaches the customer at an affordable price. Hence you can visit our site Purchase hot rolled steel in bulk.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

phone icon Phone number: 04133660491

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

instagram icon twitter: CoSimurgh@

Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

Complete the below form for consulting.


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