High grade Hot rolled steel affordable prices

Our company produces hot rolled steel with high quality raw materials and delivers this product to the customer at a good price. Therefore, dear customers can refer to our company site for more information about High grade Hot rolled steel affordable prices.
Is hot rolled steel strong?
First, the molten plates up to a temperature above 1100 degrees Celsius are transported from the furnaces to the production line by chemical analysis suitable for the final product. In the next step, thick oxide layers that form on the plate in the form of flakes are removed.
The sheets are then pressed to a specific thickness and width using a roller press machine. After sizing the sheets, controlled thickness reduction is done by reciprocating cylinders. The thinned sheet still melted is then wound into a coil collection box. The coil opens and the head and end are separated by a guillotine.
After that, a secondary deoxidation step is performed. It is then subjected to final rolling again by very strong and heavy hydraulic cylinders, at which point the mechanical properties are improved. The next step is to cool the produced sheet and send it to the roll picker.
The final steps include packaging and marking (brand imprint or factory name and melt number). The final step before sending it to the warehouse or leaving the factory is to weigh the packaged roll. Fabric black sheet is produced in thicknesses of 15 mm and above and can be purchased in any size, but the sizes 1000 * 2000, 1250 * 2500, 1000 * 6000, 1500 * 6000, 2000 * 6000 and 2000 * 12000 are the most used. They have comparisons with other sizes.
The two most famous grades for ordinary and industrial black plates are St37 and St52; where St symbolizes strength and the number next to it indicates the final tension or the same stiffness in kilograms per square centimeter.
St37 black plate is used as ordinary black plate with a lower carbon percentage in sectors such as construction, and as an industrial black plate with a higher carbon percentage in heavy industries such as machinery manufacturing. Like other steel products, hot plates have their own characteristics. Substances such as chemical analysis and mechanical properties are determined according to their grade. For information on the chemical analysis of black plates, it is necessary to refer to the table on chemical analysis DIN 17100 or its current equivalent, BS EN 10025.
As mentioned before, ST37 sheet is considered as a category of construction and industrial sheets used in half of industrial applications.
The feature of ST52 is resistance to bending and torsion, flexibility and high weight bearing. These properties are due to the presence of silicon (Si) and manganese (Mn) in the structure of ST52. Also, this type of sheet has good weldability and can be shaped and processed. For more information on hot rolled steel process, visit our site.
Affordable prices of High grade Hot rolled steel
Affordable prices of High grade Hot rolled steel, are available in our company and has attracted many customers and buyers and this product is distributed throughout the country at a reasonable price. So for more information about hot rolled steel sections, visit our site.
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