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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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Bulk iron plate supply in 2021

What is an iron plate?Supplying iron plate in bulk

Iron sheet can be identified mainly in roll and plate type, but these two types also have different types. For more information about Bulk iron plate supply in 2021, visit our site.

Bulk iron plate supply in 2021

What is an iron plate?

What is an iron plate? An alloy based on iron is called an iron sheet. Iron sheet is composed of different materials, each of which is used in different parts of the construction industry and other industries. There are different types of iron sheets, including: black sheet, oil sheet, galvanized sheet, colored sheet and colored sheet Black sheet Sheets produced by hot rolling are called black sheets. Black sheet is one of the main iron sheets on the market, which is used to measure its quality using an index called ST, this index in ordinary black sheet is between the numbers St33 to St52.

This name is based on the amount of carbon in the iron sheet materials, so that St 33 sheet has the lowest amount of carbon and therefore the most flexibility compared to other qualities and ST52 sheet has the highest amount of carbon and therefore very flexibility. It’s a little. Also, ST37 sheet and ST52 sheet are the most widely used black sheets on the market, which have received a lot of attention in the construction industry. Oil sheet Iron sheet is divided into two general categories: cold rolled sheet and hot rolled sheet.

As we said, the product of hot rolling output is black sheet and the product of cold rolling output is called oil sheet. Oil sheets, also known as cold steel sheets in the market, have standard widths of 100 and 125 cm and are produced in thicknesses of 0.3 mm to 4 mm.

Galvanized sheet is an iron sheet that is covered with zinc metal on their surface. Galvanized sheet is used in many cases, including the production of air conditioner ducts, gable water pipes and places where there is a possibility of contact with water and corrosion. In addition, one of the most used applications of galvanized sheet is the production of colored galvanized sheet and colored roofing sheet, which is produced and offered in different colors and dimensions, and we will deal with them in the following. For more information about iron plate for sale, visit our site.

Supplying iron plate in bulk

Supplying iron plate in bulk iron plate minecraft In fact, colored sheet can be considered as a kind of galvanized sheet, because its base sheet is made of galvanized sheets. These galvanized sheets, which have a zinc oxide coating around them, are resistant to environmental factors and even factors such as stains left by fingerprints, and from the time of production to delivery to the customer, they always retain their beautiful luster and shape. . Therefore, you can refer to our official website for Supplying iron plate in bulk.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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