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Hematite iron ore for sale

What is hematite iron ore?Purchase Hematite iron ore in 2021

In the continuation of the production process, the granulated iron ore should be softened to the desired level by a suitable mill, and then its magnetite ore should be separated from the tailings by magnetic separators and the desired grade and dimensions should be achieved. For more information about Hematite iron ore for sale, visit our site.

Hematite iron ore for sale

What is hematite iron ore?

What is hematite iron ore? The optimum level of grinding in magnetite at the scale of small-scale production is often below 150 microns, which generally in this dimensional range of magnetite ores as well as ores of disturbing elements including pyrite, pyrrhotite and apatite reach a desirable degree of freedom. Since Asia is a concentrate production unit, it is the most important factor in determining the production capacity. Achieving the highest efficiency level in Asia is very important.

Therefore, it should be defined by using a suitable classifier for Asia to control the dimensions of the product. Maximum production was achieved.

  • 1-By creating a working load for Asia, the maximum production capacity of an Asian can be achieved.
  • 2. Granulation Due to the fact that the output of the bullet mill is a combination of different dimensional range, which generally includes a part of coarse grains, the use of a granulation system and rotating load to return particles larger than 150 microns to Asia in this part is necessary and essential Due to the fact that the processing method is more formal, it is the best choice for this part of the hydrocyclone, which in addition to the favorable separation from low initial investment, has low depreciation and is easy to use.
  • 3. Magnetic separation After the milling and granulation section, it is time to separate the magnetite particles from the tailings, and in this section, wet magnetic separators of the current type are used. The separators used in this section are often LIMS separators in sequence and in different intensities, and the more accurate number and intensity of these separators are obtained after performing Davis and drum tests on the feed. It is recommended to place a LIMS separator with a relatively high field strength in the load and at the outlet of Asia to perform a pre-processing step to prevent the return of large waste particles to Asia through hydrocyclone during a separation step to allow feed processing. At the very least, avoid spending on wastewater treatment. After preprocessing and granulation by the cyclone, the granular output of the cyclone is transferred to the separators and after separation, they reach the desired grade.
  • 4. Remove harmful elements Harmful elements that reduce the quality of magnetite concentrate include sulfur in the form of pyrite and pyrrhotite minerals and phosphorus in the form of apatite minerals. Fortunately, all harmful minerals have very weak magnetic properties, and with the softening of ore particles in the mining section and increasing the degree of release of all minerals, harmful minerals are also removed from the system along with the tailings in the magnetic separation section.

Experience in the production of magnetite concentrate shows that feed containing half a percent of the disturbing elements of sulfur or phosphorus is reduced to normal due to milling and magnetic separation. For more information about hematite iron ore price, visit our site.

Purchase Hematite iron ore in 2021

Purchase Hematite iron ore in 2021 The output of the separator magnet drum is concentrate with a humidity above 15% and dehydration should be done to facilitate the transport of concentrate, increase water recovery and also reduce transportation costs. At this stage, vacuum disc filters that have high capacities and are suitable for iron ore concentrate are used. The optimum humidity for the concentrate is about 5% from hematite iron ore uses, so you can visit our site Purchase Hematite iron ore in 2021.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

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