Hematite iron ore for sale in 2021

The high capacity hematite mine and allogist in the field of hematite iron ore extraction and processing started their activities in 1394 and now have new methods of exploration, extraction and processing of the end product with a production capacity of more than 100,000 tons of minerals each Year as the largest manufacturer of drilling hematite lumps and raw material for anti-corrosion paints based on MIO mica iron oxide in Iran. For more information on hematite iron ore, please visit our website.
What is hematite iron ore?
Alogist is a type of hematite with the chemical formula Fe2o3. The amount of iron in this mineral reaches 70% and contains only a very small amount of water. The polish of this metallic and semi-metallic mineral, its hardness is 5 to 6, and its density is 26.5, and it is brittle.
Hematite minerals such as magnetite can be easily separated by scaly facies or shiny layers and have no magnetic properties. The crystals of this mineral are in the form of thin to thick plates, mass, dense, columnar, thread-like, rubble, grapes, stalagmites, elite, earthy. This mineral is not melted by the foot flame. In the reducing flame, it becomes magnetic at high temperature and turns into magnetite.
Alogist occurs in oxidants in various substrates as well as in igneous and metamorphic rocks (crystalline layers) in hydrothermal layers, volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks. According to the results of the XRD analysis, the main phase contains hematite with the chemical formula Fe2O3 and the sub-phase also contains goethite with the chemical formula Feo (OH). The properties of iron ore vary depending on the type of consumption and the place of manufacture and delivery. For example, iron ore that can be used in the traditional standard cannot be used in newer processes.
Thus, it is noted that not only the properties of iron ore vary in the way it is used, but also in different places. Even with large furnaces or direct recovery methods, the specifications of the iron must match the furnace type, capacity, height, etc. Iron ore is the most important raw material for the production of iron and steel. In general, most of the iron ore is commonly used to make iron and steel (furnace / high control) and only part of it is used for other processes, especially direct reduction, so all of the iron ore mined will be consumed in the mining world less than 10% is used for direct recovery and more than 90% is consumed in the furnace. Iron ore is mined.
The type of iron ore is different in each mine. Iron ore is also a mineral stone that has different types. Since the minerals in different iron ores are different, the type of iron ore is also different. In terms of differences in the nature of mineralization, iron ores are classified as follows. For more information on hematite properties, please visit our website.
Purchase Hematite iron ore in bulk
Buy and sell hematite iron ore extracted in mines all over Iran is provided through our site. Hematite hardness is one of the minerals that is soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid, so you can visit our official site ,Purchase Hematite iron ore in bulk.
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