Direct reductioniron profit growth

As a result of processing natural or processed iron ore without reaching the melting temperature, sponge iron is obtained. Sponge iron is used to produce high quality cast iron and steel. In the method for processing natural or processed iron ore without reaching the melting point, iron ore pellets with a content of 67% are regenerated, and as a result, sponge iron with Fe metallization of about 92% is obtained. For more information on direct reductioniron visit our website.
Unique Characteristics of direct reductioniron
In the casting process, sponge iron, after being melted and reduced in steelmaking, becomes a necessary product, which is usually used in the form of slabs (slabs) or billets (ingots). One of the reasons this iron is known as spongy iron is because it is shaped like a sponge. Since spongy iron looks like porous spherical particles that have a spongy appearance, it is called spongy iron. This type of cast iron is very useful and suitable because of its high quality, and is also more common due to the lack of scrap metal and its increased cost, as well as due to environmental problems.
While many of us may have first heard of the spongy gland, spongy iron is still an old product and has a long history. Sponge iron production first began in the 16th century in the Middle East, Egypt and Europe. However, according to some historical evidence, the Chinese acquired blast furnace technology to produce pig iron around 500 BC. This method, which is the production of metal from sponge iron, has the advantage of producing metal from sponge iron at a low temperature of about 1100 degrees Celsius.
Another common method of making steel is direct iron reduction, which is more popular in countries with cheap natural gas. In this method, iron ore is reduced without smelting, and the raw material from these furnaces is iron. It is spongy. As a result, Sponge Iron is a porous grain with a content of 92 to 96 percent and a size of more than 6 mm, which is a good alternative to scrap metal for smelting. 32% of the crude steel in the world is produced by direct reduction methods and using furnaces. Electrical appliances are used. For more information on direct reductioniron suppliers visit our website.
Profit growth of direct reductioniron
Profit growth of direct reductioniron is very good so that it has many buyers from all over the country and even European countries and the reasonable price of this product has affected the sales of this product more so you can For more information about direct reductioniron wholesale, visit our site.
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