Direct reductioniron export business

Various methods are used to produce sponge iron. Among these methods, we can mention the MIDREX method and the HYL method. Among these two methods, the Midrex method is used as the most widely used production method in Iran and in the world. In the medium sponge iron production method, natural gas is fed to a gas refractor unit. As a result of heating, special catalysts are converted into hydrogen and carbon. The hydrogen and carbon then enter a furnace called a reduction furnace, which combines with oxygen in the iron ore pellets to regenerate the iron ore. This production method is the least consumed and most efficient in Iran and in the world. In Iran, more than 80% of sponge iron is produced in this way. For more information on direct reductioniron visit our website.
What is direct reductioniron?
Today, sponge iron mining is widespread throughout the world. Because by using the iron reduction process, almost all the problems of traditional methods have been overcome. In addition, the cost of iron ore mining and extraction operations is much lower than the cost of production in a metallurgical plant, and it is also a more useful and efficient choice for countries with limited coal resources.
In addition, the use and production of sponge iron is more economical and cost effective than scrap iron. Because sponge iron contains 90 to 94% pure iron more than cast iron. For this reason, it is an excellent and suitable option for electric furnaces in a metallurgical plant. Because it allows steel mills to reduce their use of scrap iron and scrap and produce higher quality steel. The sponge iron production process uses pellets or natural iron ore, the only exception to this process is the fluidized bed, which also uses lumps of mineral iron ore.
Using sponge iron is faster, easier and more convenient than scrap. Since the sponge iron uses a direct reduction plant and an electric furnace, it costs less than a blast furnace. The use of sponge iron has fewer environmental restrictions than scrap iron. Another advantage of sponge iron is its higher content than scrap metal. Sponge iron is the best and most suitable alternative to scrap iron in steel mills. The characteristics of sponge iron include high quality, uniformity and uniformity, less sulfur and phosphorus, significant reduction of interfering elements such as copper, chromium, tin, zinc and…, easier transportation and storage. For more information on direct reductioniron sale visit our website.
Export business of direct reductioniron
Export business of direct reductioniron is accompanied by good growth and reaches the customer at a reasonable price, which has caused foreign countries to buy this product, so you can For more information about direct reductioniron export, visit our site.
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