High grade iron concentrate profit growth

Carbon steel consists of 0.5 to 1.5% carbon and is a hard and malleable product, but not like refractory cast iron. Steel alloys contain varying amounts of carbon. Carbonated iron is transferred to the furnace to remove carbon and other impurities, and also special elements are added to create special properties. Elements used in steel production: chromium, manganese, cobalt, vanadium, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, copper, lead, niobium and silica. For more information on High grade iron concentrate profit increase visit our site.
How much iron concentrate is left in the world?
Iron extraction from ores is carried out under special conditions by physical, mechanical and chemical processes. In the first stage, the ore has to be concentrated in several process steps including crushing, grinding, screening, washing, using magnetic separator or flotation. To produce one tonne of iron in a blast furnace, it must have 1.75 tonnes of iron ore, 750 kg of coal and 250 kg of limestone, which uses 4.5 metric tonnes of air. The air temperature in the middle of the oven is 1600 degrees Celsius. There are different methods for the production process such as blast furnaces.
A blast furnace is a vertical furnace used in smelting plants to extract metal, especially iron, from ore. The blast furnace is considered to be the most original method of separating iron from iron ore. Nothing can replace iron ore, but alternatives can be found for steel, which is its main consumer. Steel is highly competitive with other metals such as aluminum, which are increasingly used in industries such as automobiles. In addition, there are alternatives to steel in container, plastic and glass production. Of course, it is worth noting that a high percentage of electricity is used for the production of metals such as aluminum, so the use of steel is increasingly economical. A small amount of scrap iron is recovered, but steel is recovered more than any other metal.
In 2009, world iron ore production reached 1 billion 691 million and 150 thousand tons with a decrease of 3.2 percent compared to 2008. US iron ore production fell 28.2% and Europe fell 11.4%, with production in the United States and Europe dropping. Australia is the main iron ore producer, followed by China and Brazil. Russia and the United States are also important producers. Australia’s total iron ore production in 2009 was 393,900,000 tons, followed by China with 340,900,000 tons. The difference between Australia and China is that Australian production is for export while China consumes all of its production. Because it is the largest steel producer in the world and has one of the important markets for iron ore consumption. For more information about the iron concentrate price, visit our site.
Profit growth of High grade iron concentrate
Profit growth of High grade iron concentrate is very good because it has good quality and good price has made it have many customers. Therefore, you can visit our site for more information about iron concentrate supply.
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