Iron ore Wholesale Market in the global market

The sale of exported iron ore and its supply in world markets, in addition to domestic demand, must be considered so that domestic steelmakers do not face problems, at the same time, with proper supply management, the damage to export markets should be prevented. Sales of exported iron ore and steel products have grown significantly in the last five years with the coming to power of the 11th government and the liberalization of exports of iron ore and steel products, and according to the chairman of Imidro, has experienced a growth of more than 22 percent.
How do you turn iron ore into iron?
Iron ore is a basic requirement of domestic steelmaking units. Paying attention to the needs of domestic production units is a requirement in order to support production and employment. At the same time, exports are the most important source of currency for a country. Creating and maintaining export markets is difficult despite many competitors in the market. Fortunately, Iran has been successful in selling exported iron ore and is now one of the exporters of this product in the Middle East.
Therefore, in addition to paying attention to domestic production, we need to pay attention to the issue of exports with proper management of supply, along with the needs of domestic steelmakers and up to their needs, and not lose the export markets for iron products and steel sections. Our company is ready to sell and supply all kinds of iron ore locations and steel sections in the domestic market, as well as the supply of fob Bandar Abbas for export.
Bulk marketing of Iron ore in the global market
Sales of magnetite and hematite iron ore in grades 54-63% and grain size of 10 to 30 mm for use in blast furnaces. The sale of iron ore, which is coarse-grained iron ore, is done for use in blast furnaces. Furnaces used in smelting and steelmaking include blast furnaces, electric arc furnaces, and induction furnaces. Sales of magnetite iron ore are thriving because it has a high grade of iron and also because of its magnetic properties, it can be upgraded with magnetic processes that are easier than flotation. In buying and selling iron ore, many things are considered by the buyer and The seller is placed.
We will examine two of the most important cases in the following text. Iron ore grade, ie the percentage of iron in the deposit, is one of the most important parameters that must be considered. The purpose of ore extraction and processing in iron extraction. Therefore, the higher the percentage of extractable iron, the higher its value. Among the types of iron ore pellets market, magnetite and hematite iron ore often have the highest grade. For example, magnetite iron ore has about 60 to 69.9 percent.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
Ways of communication: Phone number: 02147623014
Phone number: 04133660491
Phone number: 09120169267
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