Superior steel rebar Focal suppliers

The selling price of Superior steel rebar and pelletizing iron affected by the global price of iron ore, which was rising recently in global annoyance, has simultaneously reached an uptrend. The reasons for the incremental fluctuation of the selling price of pellets and sponge iron does not only change the global price of iron ore. The fluctuation of the dollar exchange rate also has a direct impact.
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The change in the selling price of stainless steel rebar to rials has been greater due to the increase in the dollar price in the last few months. The monthly supply of 50 thousand tons of pellets and iron sponge and 30 thousand tons of briquettes Cold Iron sponge by the company iron and steel rebar types done. To get the analysis of the products and the price of the day, as well as the notice of the stages of ordering the product, please use the following ways of communication for contact.
The price of each ton of iron gland has recently experienced an uptrend due to the increase in global iron ore prices and, of course, the increase in iron gland exports from our country’s market. The rise in prices per ton of iron pellets has been witnessed in recent months. This increase occurred following the increase in exports of iron pellets. But what are the reasons for increasing exports of iron ore pellets. One of the most important reasons for increasing exports of iron ore pellets is the reduction of its export duties. As you know, the export duties of iron pellets were 15%. But in recent months, according to the decision made in the Ministry of Samm, this amount was reduced to 5. Now the export duties of iron ore pellets are equal to 5%.
This is one of the reasons for the export boom of this product and the increase in the price of each ton of iron pellets. In recent months, the Ministry of with the aim to supply sponge iron needed steelmakers internal action conditional on the export of iron sponge to export it after the supply in the domestic market Village. Therefore, the export of sponge iron pellets increased even with the quality that is suitable for direct emotional units. With the increase in exports of iron pellets, we have seen an upward price fluctuation of each ton of iron pellets in the market.
Focal suppliers of Superior steel rebar
These fluctuations arose under the influence of the global price fluctuation of iron ore in international markets and the drop in prices and the value of the rial versus the dollar. The price of iron ore export in Iran based on the world price of iron ore can be determined, but to determine the price in rials, iron ore, and raw products, iron and steel, such as sponge iron, etc.
the exchange rate is very impressive. Sharp fluctuations of the dollar in the last few months as the impact on the price of iron ore in a variety of pelletizing iron, concentrate, also iron ore, grain, and of course, products, raw steel, such as sponge iron clearly indicated. Now the prices of raw steel products in the domestic market are being supplied with a dramatic increase over several months of tin. Of course, the simultaneous increase in the price of steel products has allowed them to continue the activity. We hope to balance the price of all steel products with the goal of ultimate consumer comfort.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
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