Superior steel bloom export business

Along with other sheets, a type of sheet called corten sheet has been considered. This sheet is used because of its strength and corrosion protection in spaces that are resistant to corrosion. Corton steel is used for the construction of sculptures as well as the exteriors of buildings. By forming a rusty layer on this sheet, more corrosion is protected. For more information on Superior steel bloom visit our website.
Unique Characteristics of Superior steel bloom
The chemical composition of the galvanized steel is very important, for example, the amount of silicon and phosphorus in the steel strongly affects the thickness and appearance of the galvanized coating. The amount of 0.04% silicon or more or the amount of 0.05 phosphorus or more in steel leads to thickening of the coating, which includes ferrozine alloys. Carbon, sulfur and manganese in steel have little effect on the thickness of the galvanized coating. Influence of silicon on the thickness of the coating Certain steel compounds intensify the growth of the iron-zinc alloy layer, resulting in a galvanized coating containing zinc-iron alloys instead of a shiny, dark gray and opaque appearance. The corrosion resistance of this dark gray matt coating corresponds to the corrosion resistance of the coating.
It is galvanized with a radiant appearance. Since the galvanizing reaction is an infiltration process, high temperatures or prolonged immersion times lead to the formation of thicker alloy layers, like other infiltration processes, in the early stages of the reaction, rapidly and then as the layers grow. As the alloy thickens, its velocity decreases. Extending the immersion time beyond a certain limit, the effect of the time is negligible. When galvanizing steel with more than 0.04% silicon, the galvanizing process changes significantly.
The thickness of the outer layer of zinc strongly depends on the speed of removal of the sample from the zinc bath. Rapid removal of the sample from the zinc bath leads to a thicker zinc coating. To comply with certain standards, it is necessary to measure the thickness of the coating by measuring a few points and then considering the average of the final thickness of the coating. . Acid-washed plates are also made from hot plates, which are acid-washed during the process, and the surface coals on the plate and some impurities are removed, and the appearance of the sheet becomes a little more glossy, ie.
it is close to oily plates. The process by which grease on a sheet that has reached the desired thickness by hot rolling is removed from the sheet by hydrochloric acid is called acid washing. A portion of the product is transferred to the acid washing unit in the hot rolling unit to wash the surface of the sheet with acid. In the acid washing lines, the coils, after being opened by the opening coils, enter the acid basins with chlorine acid type 1 They are washed for deoxidation.
After washing and leaving the acid basins, these coils are washed with water and dried by passing through hot air. After the acid wash, part of the product is marketed as an acid coil, and the majority It is transferred to the cold rolling unit for making cold products. For more information on the steel bloom price visit our page.
Export business of Superior steel bloom
Export business of Superior steel bloom from our company to all over the country is possible because the reasonable price and high quality of production of this product has made other countries to buy this product, so you can For more information about steel bloom supply, visit our site.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
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