Superior Iron mill scale Sales growth

The process of making steel on the basis of direct reduction – electric smelting involves two making sponge iron and transforming it into steel in an electric arc furnace. In the direct reduction process, iron oxide particles in contact with reducing gases, including and CH4, are reduced to spongy iron at 750 to 900 ° C. Sponge iron usually contains more than 90% iron as a metal, which has a strong combine with oxygen. Please visit our website for more information on Superior Iron mill scale.
Is Iron mill scale in high demand?
Industries based on the production of pig iron and steel are among the countries’ industries. Due to the problems of traditional processes and methods of iron production and also for the optimization of industrial processes, in have received a lot of attention in recent decades. One of these methods is direct reduction processes. In direct reduction with coal, it is reduced during a series of heterogeneous solid gas chemical reactions. During these reactions, iron oxides are reduced in several stages from hematite to magnetite, from from vestite to iron.
Although steel production can be traced back to the Iron Age as far, the modern era of the began in the late 1850s, and since then steel has become an important part of the global industrial economy. The production of iron one of the economic and industrial activities today. Many basic industries such as transportation, construction, and other industries the generation and transmission of energy depend on the steel industry.
Therefore, the improvement and development of this industry in the area development countries is of particular importance. In order to produce iron, impurities such as oxygen must be removed from the iron ore reduction. There are several ways to make iron. Most of this production in the blast furnace process. In the blast furnace, iron ore with coke as a enters the the process and is released as molten carbon iron, which ultimately converts the molten iron into steel in the converter. Blast furnaces have been one of efficient methods in the field of iron production for many years and today they provide more than 90% of the worldwide.
Iron production process by blast furnace of production rate; It has high efficiency high quality raw materials. Iron is produced in blast furnaces by burning coke, and coke prices are rising due to falling coking coal deposits. The production of for this as agglomeration, coking and sintering also causes high costs for the steel industry. As a result, it can be blast furnace will have future due to economic and environmental problems caused by the use of coke and sintering in the steel industry. Due to the enormous resources in the high cost of the treatment process and the growing importance of environmental problems, the trend towards new and in this increasing day by day.
One of these methods is the production of reduction process. Such processes a number of preparatory steps, which significantly reduces the costs and the entire process. For more information on the Iron mill scale price please visit our website.
Sales growth of Superior Iron mill scale
Sales growth of Superior Iron mill scale is very good and it is exported by our company to most countries, which has good quality and price, so you can For more information about Iron mill scale supply, visit our site.
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