Superior iron mill scale Domestic production

Sometimes, if the supply Superior iron mill scale is low through the wagon, the concentrate cargo is transferred to the pelletizing unit. If the feed production line to the concentrate is faced with a shortage, it is possible to transfer the discharged concentrate from the wagons directly to the Daily tanks. The conveyors are equipped with metal detectors, weighing systems and automatic sampler. Concentrate accumulated based on the amount of required line came with a harvesting machine with a capacity of 1200 tons per hour, harvest, and with the belt conveyor to storage tanks, the daily pass.
The brief introduction to Superior iron mill scale
wagon lapel with a capacity of twenty wagons, 90 ton or 25 wagons, 55 ton per hour to the inside of a hopper with a capacity of 180 tons, drain, and by mill scale density with a capacity of 2050 tons per hour, with the set consisting of the conveyor belt and device, accumulation, with a capacity of 2050 tons per hour to the warehouse, the concentrate can be passed. The capacity of concentrated warehouses is 250 thousand tons.
Two daily storage tanks each with a capacity of two thousand tons are intended to hold the concentrate at the beginning of the line. If you need to iron ore concentrate with granulation, the smaller is, the material after harvest to the device of the roller presses with the capacity of 700 tons per hour has been transferred and then increased blain, namely specific surface area (can be increased up to about 250 units is increasing.) Transferred to Daily tanks. Additives including lime and bentonite are added to the iron ore concentrate. If the moisture is not enough, the percentage of water is added to this compound. These substances affect the swelling, resuscitation and stability of the pellets during resuscitation. After mixing additives with iron ore concentrate, etc.
Domestic production of Superior iron mill scale
mill scale composition to storage tanks, transferred, and then to six-disc machine pelletizing maker to a diameter of 7.5 m charging. By rotating the discs the material inside them turns into spherical shapes. The depth of the discs is about seventy centimeters. And have an angle of 45 degrees with the horizon. The speed of disc rotation is about 5 to 11 rpm. After transferring the ingredients of the raw mixture to the appropriate part of the Dick, the water is sprinkled on them by operi. The scraper blades are also set on the disc, which controls the flow of material moving on the disc. Pelletizing made after reaching the desired dimensions and the exit of the disc by means of vibrating under the disc granulation and pelletizing with the dimensions of 9 to 16 mm to the baking part of the transferred and pelletizing of fine and coarse again to the tanks, the top of the disk, the Restore can be.
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