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Steel beam Wholesale Supplier

How much is a steel beam?Bulk supply of Steel beam in 2020

Beams are horizontal, vertical or sloping pieces that bear the main load in the structure and the loads perpendicular to the axis of the structure are transmitted through these beams to the supports, which are usually columns, which is the direct effect of these tensile forces. And pressure will be applied to its various layers. For more information about Steel beam Wholesale Supplier, visit our site.

Steel beam Wholesale Supplier

How much is a steel beam?

How much is a steel beam?

There are different types of steel beams in terms of appearance, the most widely used of which are INP, IPE, IPB, the shape of which is given below. Obviously, sections with the same capacity, cross-section and weight are less per unit, so they can be considered more economical.


(European and Iranian standard) IPE beam is a beam whose wing thickness and life are the same along the beam. Since this standard is approved in Iran, Iranian engineers design their drawings based on IPE beams, and therefore this beam has a higher popularity and consumption among customers.

INP (Chinese-Russian Standard) The INP beam is a beam whose wing thickness increases towards the die, and if you look closely, you will see a gentle slope of the wings in thickness.

It is important to note that China also produces IPE beams and is even available in the domestic market. Buyers should be careful to correctly identify the INP and IPE beams and identify and prepare the correct and appropriate type of structure based on their needs and the design engineer’s diagnosis.

IPB (Hash Beam or Wing Wing IPB beam is the same as Wing Beam or Hash Beam (H) whose wing length and life are equal to each other and the difference from other beams in appearance is the increase in the length of its wings. Which are produced and supplied in two types of IPBL light beams and IPBV heavy beams.

In general, the naming and standard of the beam is based on the ratio of the wing and the beam to each other and how the sheet is connected to the beam, which can be seen in the profile of the beams and the photo of the wings.

Another division for beams is based on the abutment, which consists of three types of articulated supports (pin), roller and fixed.

    Articulated beams: Articulated beams resist movement in any direction.

    Beam with roller bearing: Roller beams resist movement in a direction perpendicular to its axis.

    Fixed beam: Fixed beams prevent the movement and rotation of the beam in any direction. In roller beams and articulated beams, however, rotation and rotation are free at the abutment.

However, the beams can be classified according to the support conditions: simple, protruding (simple pointed beam), planar, double-headed and continuous (universal).

Bulk supply of Steel beam in 2020

Bulk supply of Steel beam in 2020

steel beam sizes is one of the most important parts of the steel frame because it plays the role of integrating the steel structure. The most important part of the connections is related to the connection of the beams to the column. Sometimes the beams are not attached to the column, but one beam is attached vertically to the other beams. For more information about Bulk supply of Steel beam in 2020, visit our site.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

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