sponge iron price per ton today

Direct reducing iron (DRI), also known as sponge iron, is the direct oxidation-reduction of iron ore (in the form of lumps, pellets, or debris) to iron by reducing gas or elemental carbon produced from natural gas or coal. comes. Many minerals are suitable for direct reduction.
sponge iron price; the average price of Khuzestan steel ingots in different seasons of the year is the basis for calculating the prices of iron ore products and in the agreement between steels and minerals, it is stated that the price of Khuzestan steel ingots is the quarterly average price of the company’s domestic and export sales basket in Kedal.
Which is the largest producer of sponge iron?
According to the World Steel Association, Iran produced more than 12 million tons of sponge iron in the first five months of 2020. During this period, a total of 32 million tons of sponge iron was produced in the world, which after Iran, India was in second place with 1.5 million tons of production. According to this report, in May (May 11 to June 10), Iran accounted for about 50% of world’s production of sponge iron. Iran now ranks tenth in the world in steel production.
Efforts to discover new iron ore deposits in order to increase steel production are constantly emphasized by experts, while statistics show that Iran has shone in the field of sponge iron and steel production in recent months, so that the statistics of the World Steel Association show In the first five months of 2020, Iran was introduced as the largest producer in the field of sponge iron and was ranked first in the production of this product. Accordingly, the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Organization for Development and Renovation of Mines and Mining Industries of Iran (Imidro) stated that Iran’s steel production had the highest growth in the world, announced: Last year we produced 2.4 million tons of steel from tenth to ninth We have improved and surpassed other countries, and in sponge iron in the first six months of this year, we were ranked first in the world with a production of 15 million tons.
sponge iron price per tom on the market
If oxygen is removed in the process of direct reduction of iron ore without melting it, spherical pieces are formed which are called sponge iron because of their appearance. Sponge iron has a high grade of iron. One of the reasons for the prevalence of sponge iron is environmental problems, rising prices, and a shortage of scrap iron. Sponge iron is a good alternative to scrap metal. Briquette is a type of sponge iron that is divided into three categories:
- Hot Sponge Iron Briquette (HBI)
- Sponge iron briquette (CBI)
- Cold sponge iron briquette (CBSI)
The process of producing briquettes is not much different from sponge iron, it is only pressed during production. The largest iron sponge suppliers and sponge iron traders in the world are India and Iran.
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