sponge iron fines price in 2020

Continuous use of sponge iron fines price makes electric kilns easy to slag. No fluctuation of electricity consumption in electric ovens. Improving consumption, times, hazards and pollution due to the consumption of sponge iron Providing part of the electrical energy required in electric furnaces by the carbon in sponge iron is another factor that reduces the energy consumption per Tons are produced, the carbon in the sponge iron.
What is sponge iron why it is called sponge?
The production of sponge iron and its subsequent use was the first method of obtaining iron in the Middle East and Europe, where it was used until at least the sixteenth century. There is evidence to suggest that the bloom method was also used in China, but China built blast furnaces to make cast iron by 500 BC.
The advantage of the pure iron furnace is that iron can be obtained at a temperature lower than the furnace, only at about 1100 ° C or approximately. The problem with blast is that only small quantities can be fabricated at a time.
Direct reduction processes are roughly divided into two categories: gas-based and coal-based. In both cases, the purpose of this process is to expel the oxygen contained in the various forms of iron ore (rock size, concentrate, pellets, mill scale, furnace dust, etc.) in order to convert the ore into metallic iron without melting it. Slowly (Below 1200 degrees Celsius (2190 degrees Fahrenheit.
The direct reduction process is relatively efficient. Steel made using direct reduction requires a significant amount of fuel, because a traditional blast furnace is not required. Direct reduction is usually done using arc furnaces made of steel to take advantage of the high heat generated by the direct reduction product.
In modern industry, direct reduction processes have been developed to specifically address the of conventional blast furnaces. Direct reduction iron is successfully produced in various parts of the world and enables the production of specialized iron and steel products in a decentralized manner (separately with the centralized model of the older furnace called “steel complexes”).
Initial investment (CAPEX) and operating costs (OPEX) of direct reduction plants are lower than those of integrated steel plants and are more cost-effective for countries where high-grade coal coke production is limited, although steel scrap is generally Available for recycling. iron sponge suppliers produce and market this product with the highest quality, which also has an affordable price.
sponge iron fines price at discount
sponge iron company uses this material to provide a high percentage of raw materials to provide the required melt to steelmaking units instead of using waste.
One of the most important of sponge iron is in induction furnaces. In induction furnaces, it is possible to replace nearly 50% of sponge iron with scrap. Of course, keep in mind that to use it in an induction furnace, technical knowledge and experience are required. In addition, sponge iron has the continuous casting of the steel industry.
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