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Rebar price 2020 on the market

Why is rebar in concrete?Latest price of Rebar in 2020

Rebar is the steel used in concrete to compensate for its low tensile strength. It is also called reinforcing rebar. Because the steel used in reinforced concrete structures is in the form of wire or reinforcement, it is called rebar steel. Becomes. Of course, in addition to rebar, other materials are used to strengthen the concrete, such as shaped profiles, studs or cans. Dear customers, for advice and more information about Rebar price 2020 on the market, refer to our company’s official website and talk to our experts in this regard.

Rebar price 2020 on the market

Why is rebar in concrete?

Why is rebar in concrete?

Concrete has high compressive strength. Therefore, its use is very suitable for pressurized parts such as columns and arches. However, due to low tensile strength and relatively high brittleness of concrete, its use is limited to parts that are completely or locally under tension. To overcome this limitation, concrete members are reinforced by placing steel in them, and the composite body thus obtained is called reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete.

Therefore, the main idea in creating reinforced concrete is to use concrete to withstand pressure and steel, commonly called reinforcement, to withstand tension. Of course, other concrete members such as columns, which are mainly under compressive forces, are also reinforced with steel rebars. The presence of rebars in such members increases the strength because steel, in addition to tensile stress, also has high strength.

The basis of the joint behavior of steel and concrete is the combination of two physical and mechanical properties of these two materials with each other. First, the concrete hardens and adheres significantly to the steel reinforcement. When a load is applied to a member of reinforced concrete, this adhesion causes both steel and concrete to deform together. Second, concrete and steel have almost the same coefficients of thermal expansion (the average value of this coefficient is 0.00001 for concrete and 0.0000012 for steel for each degree Celsius) and as a result of temperature changes. No significant initial stresses are created in either material and no slippage occurs between steel and concrete.

In addition to having a relatively high strength, reinforced concrete also has good resistance to adverse environmental conditions, because the concrete coating on the rebars protects them against corrosion and the direct effect of fire. Experience has shown that in medium-intensity fires, reinforced concrete structures suffer only superficial damage, there is no disruption in their strength and load-bearing capacity.

High-rise residential and office buildings, industrial buildings, bridges, silos, tunnels, shells, hydraulic structures and many other structures are among the cases whose main and load-bearing structures are made of reinforced concrete. For more information about rebar types, visit our site.

Latest price of Rebar in 2020

Latest price of Rebar in 2020

One of the special aspects of the behavior of reinforced concrete structures under the effect of loads is the possibility of cracks in the tensile sections of concrete members. Of course, the formation of such cracks under normal loads on the structure is often so insignificant that the occurrence of such cracks under normal loads on the structure is often so insignificant that the rebar sizes do not affect the use of the structure in any way. But in certain cases, depending on the performance expected of the structure. The presence of these cracks should be considered as a defect and it is necessary to prevent cracks or limit their opening. The idea of ​​concrete prestressing is used. For more information about Latest price of Rebar in 2020, visit our site.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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