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Premium steel beams Local Suppliers

What are the four types of steel beams?Local Suppliers of Premium steel beams

Due to the widespread need for premium steel beams in Iran, there are suppliers who work to meet this need according to standards. Customers can find these suppliers and obtain information from them by phone, online or in person.

Premium steel beams Local Suppliers

What are the four types of steel beams?

What are the four types of steel beams? Beams are one of the most important types of building profiles, which is why buying beams is also considered important. The beam is in two common forms, which is written with the abbreviation I or NP, and the wide-wing beam is also written with the symbol H or IPB, whose height and wings are equal.

The first type of beam is ordinary and has a height of 80 to 600 mm, which of course is more supplied and is mostly used by the public. It is used in columns, trusses, door sockets, beams, roof coverings and honeycomb bridges. It is important to buy beams because beams are one of the most important building profiles that are often used in industrial projects.

When buying a beam, make sure that the beam is available in three forms: IPE beam, INP beam and also IPB beam. IPE and INP beams have a height of 80-600 mm and IPB beams have a height of 100-1000 mm.

Ordinary beams and of course I-shaped standard are available in Iran. This beam is produced according to European standards and its wing thickness is constant. H-shaped beams or wider beams are those in which the wingspan is longer than IPE beams.

Local Suppliers of Premium steel beams

Local Suppliers of Premium steel beams Premium steel beams are sold in bulk or in part by many sellers in our country. For several years, its production has increased in the domestic and foreign markets due to the great popularity of this product.

That is why many of these first-class products are exported to many countries in the world. There are countless wholesalers in some cities where relatives buy and sell these goods at cheap prices. You can buy two types of steel beams from this site.

People who want to buy the bulk of these goods at a cheaper price can go to these centers and get their necessities. Premium steel beams are produced by many manufacturers in the country with different qualities and are offered to the market at various prices. Many of these goods, which are produced by different brands in various designs and with high quality, are exported to different countries of the world, especially neighboring countries.

In the market of different cities, Premium steel beams are sold in various models with different prices. Many of these samples are of good quality and are sold at a reasonable price in some sales centers. You can get steel beams for sale from this center.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

phone icon Phone number: 04133660491

phone icon Phone number: 09120169267

whatsApp icon WhatsApp Response (Skype): click

instagram icon Instagram: simurgh_steel_company@

email icon email:

email icon email:

instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

instagram icon twitter: CoSimurgh@