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Pig iron productions on the market

What is pig iron made of?Purchasing various kinds of pig iron items

pig iron production on the market available in various kinds with different qualities. bulk buyers can buy these product in bulk from reliable wholesalers. in this article you will know more about pig iron.

Pig iron productions on the market

What is pig iron made of?

What is pig iron made of? The pig iron is an intermediate of the process of smelting of ores from the iron treated with coke as fuel and limestone as flux. Charcoal and anthracite have also been used as fuels . It is obtained as molten material in a blast furnace by reducing iron ore.

pig iron uses as a raw material in obtaining steel in steel furnaces. Cast iron has a high carbon content, generally between 3.5% and 4.5%. in addition to silica and other impurities, which make it very fragile so it has limited uses as a material.

The basic materials used to make pig iron are iron ore, coke and limestone. The coke is burned as fuel to heat the furnace, and when burned it releases carbon monoxide, which combines with the iron oxides of the mineral and reduces them to metallic iron. The equation for the fundamental chemical reaction of a blast furnace is:

Fe 2 O 3 + 3CO → 3CO 2 + 2Fe

The limestone load the furnace is used as an additional source of carbon monoxide and as flux material. This material combines with the silica present in the mineral (which does not melt at oven temperatures) to form lower-melting calcium silicate. Without limestone, iron silicate would form, thereby losing metallic iron. 

Calcium silicate and other impurities form a slag that floats on the molten metal at the bottom of the furnace. 

The pig iron produced in the blast furnaces has the following composition: 92% iron, 3 or 4% carbon, between 0.5 and 3% silicon, 0.25% to 2.5% manganese, 0.04 to 2% phosphorous and some sulfur particles.

Purchasing various kinds of pig iron items

Purchasing various kinds of pig iron items pig iron is an iron-carbon alloy with a carbon content of more than 2% . Industrial pig iron generally has a carbon content of 2.11%–4.3% and contains elements such as C, Si, Mn, S, and P. It is smelted with iron ore through a blast furnace product. According to the different forms of carbon in pig iron, it can be divided into steel-making pig iron and cast pig iron.

The pig iron  properties are hard, wear-resistant, and good cast ability, but pig iron is brittle and cannot be forged.

There are two forms in pig iron, one is free carbon (Graphite), mainly found in cast iron, the other is compound carbon (iron carbide), mainly found in steel-making pig iron.

iron carbide is hard and brittle, low plasticity, appropriate content can improve the strength and hardness of pig iron, excessive content More, making pig iron difficult to cut, which is why the cutting performance of steel-making pig iron is poor. Graphite is very soft and low in strength. Its presence can increase the cast ability of pig iron.

for purchasing various kinds of pig iron, bulk buyers and applicants can contact to our sale expert and ask for prices and other information.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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