Organic iron pellets for slugs for sale

iron pellets for slugs can cause minor eye irritation and mild skin irritation. No information is available on the toxicity of inhalation. However, iron pellets for slugs is unlikely to be inhaled. Indeed, it is made in the form of grains and does not release vapors into the air.
Do iron pellets kill slugs?
Iron phosphate is a compound that combines phosphorus and oxygen with iron. This can eliminate hooks and snails when you eat. The toxicity of these compounds depends on the amount of iron available. Iron is an essential mineral for plants and animals. It is found in the environment, food and water. Iron phosphate has been approved in the United States since 1997 for use in pesticide products.
Iron phosphate is considered to be very slightly toxic when consumed. However, eating too much iron can upset the stomach in humans and animals. Diarrhea, vomiting and depression have been reported. In severe cases of iron poisoning, symptoms may temporarily go away and return 12 to 96 hours after the first symptoms appear. At this stage, problems with blood pressure and heart rate can lead to shock and sometimes death. Weakness, muscle tremors and liver failure have also been reported.
how to make iron phosphate?
Products containing iron phosphate are generally formulated as granules. They are used in home gardens and a wide range of crops and ornaments to control slides and snails. In the United States, there are about two dozen products containing iron phosphate. Some of them have been approved for use in organic farming.
Always follow the directions on the label and take steps to minimize exposure. If you are having dating, be sure to follow the first aid instructions on the product label. For more treatment advice, call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222. If you want to talk about a pesticide problem, call 1-800-858-7378.
Buy organic iron pellets for slugs
Phosphate is a toxic iron in the stomach of snails and snails. It damages their digestive tissue. With sufficient exposure, they usually stop eating and die slowly. The exact mode of operation is not clearly understood. how to use slug pellets?
How can I be exposed to iron phosphate?
Iron and phosphate ions are found naturally in many foods. Iron phosphate is used to fortify foods such as bread. Other foods, such as pasta, milk and drinks, are also fortified with iron. Iron phosphate is generally considered safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, the dogs got sick after eating large amounts of iron. This happens when vitamins, fertilizers, or snail bait move.
If you use snail bait with iron phosphate and you can accidentally put it on your skin, breathe or eat, or accidentally drink something, you may be exposed. By following all the directions on the label exactly, you can reduce your exposure and reduce your risk.
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