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Magnetite iron ore price in 2021

What percent of iron ore is found in magnetite?Latest price of Magnetite iron ore

Hardly soluble in HCl. FeO: 31.03% Fe2O3: 68.97% and Ti, Mg, Mn V, Cr, Al interferences were first discovered in Switzerland and in terms of Magnetite has ferromagnetic properties (strong magnetic properties) and this makes it easier to process compared to hematite, which is a paramagnetic mineral (weak magnetic property).. For more information about Magnetite iron ore price in 2021, visit our site.

Magnetite iron ore price in 2021

What percent of iron ore is found in magnetite?

What percent of iron ore is found in magnetite? So that magnetite concentrates quite physically in both wet and dry states. The main factor in determining the magnetic impact of magnetite ore is its Feo content, so that ore with a FeO content of more than eleven percent is generally known as magnetic ore, and if less than this. The degree of FeO is known as the percentage of FeO in the processing of magnetite ore and the determination of the magnetic field strength of a magnetic separator.

When magnetite iron ore lumps are extracted from the working chest, it contains both some tailings and its dimensions are large. Economically, transporting these tailings to the steel production unit requires money, and on the other hand, transporting large lumps is technically problematic.

To increase the grade of iron ore lumps, we have to grind them, which are in fact a combination of magnetite and tailings minerals, so that each of the mineral particles is separated and reaches the so-called desired degree of freedom so that they can be differentiated according to their properties. Magnetically separated. In practice, reaching the point where all magnetite ores are separated from the tailings (ie, 100% degree of freedom) is a very difficult, costly, and uneconomical task, and at each stage of processing we must achieve a percentage of the degree of freedom.

The more freedom we seek, the more our recovery will increase, but in return we will have to bear exponential costs, and we must seek technical and economic research to the extent that we can achieve recovery and optimal production costs. . From all the above issues, it can be concluded that the whole operation of magnetite iron ore processing consists of two categories of operations to increase the degree of freedom (by grinding and grinding) and separation of magnetite ore (using magnetic separators) from tailings.

Processing up to dimensions of about 3 mm is done in the dry process and to achieve higher grades, it should be done in a more method because most of the crushers have dimensions of about 2 mm can be crushed (the smallest dimensions of the sandmaker product) and further crushing only by It is possible in the fluid environment. On the other hand, the transfer of fluid materials is much easier than dry materials. Apart from the problems related to crushing, dry magnetic separation in dimensions less than 1 mm becomes practically impossible and only more magnetic separators work. For more information about types of iron ore, visit our site.

Latest price of Magnetite iron ore

Latest price of Magnetite iron ore Determinants in the dimensions of the product of the secondary crushing stage include the inherent grade of the rock and how the magnetite ores engage with the tailings. The greater the extent of this conflict, the smaller the size must be to achieve the desired size. Since the prices of some products are subject to changes and the reason is the change in the price of currency, you buyers can refer to our site for the Latest price of Magnetite iron ore and buy this product.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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