Latest steel bloom price in 2021

Steel product manufacturers use steel ingots as raw material for their products. When crude steel is obtained from iron ore, molten steel is poured into rectangular or biconvex molds to make it a portable, sturdy bar to better move and transport it to the required centers. Visit our site for more information on steel bloom price.
What is a steel bloom?
Sheet steel blocks differ from other types of blocks in terms of shape and appearance, and vice versa, their cross section is rectangular. Most thickness is 130mm, width and length are 1.25mm and 12mm respectively. Plates are used as raw material for the production of steel plates. Slabs are also called slabs or slabs and are made directly by continuous casting or indirectly by hot rolling of other steel ingots. Production methods for steel blocks As we said, steel ingots are made from iron ore.
After the molten steel is prepared, the steel block is produced in three ways: blast furnace, direct reduction and tunnel furnace. Blast furnace method: In this conventional method of making steel bars, iron ore pellets containing lime and coke are poured into a blast furnace to obtain pig iron. The crude iron is then converted into molten steel in a converter furnace using an oxygen blower. After the end of this phase, the molten steel is prepared for casting. In the casting phase, molten steel is converted into different types of steel blocks.
Direct CPR method: Direct resuscitation is common in Iran. This method is done by using natural gas as fuel in the reduction furnace. Reduction furnace produces sponge iron; This sponge iron with lime, coke and other materials is poured into the electric arc furnace for which the scrap has arrived. At this stage, the chemical composition of the molten steel is examined to create the desired material. After the impurities are removed, the molten steel is poured into a container called a tandish in the casting unit. The desired container is then placed on a roll in a round water-based copper mold and cooled with water. This method produces steel blocks.
Tunnel kiln method: This method of producing steel blocks is new and modern, and has not been used in our country so far. In this method, iron is reduced to solids with the aid of carbon.
What is 5sp steel bar? Steel ingots are two different grades 3sp and 5sp, which are subject to the ST37 standard. 5sp are in the group of simple carbon steel that cannot be heat treated; Therefore, 5sp steel is not used in cases where high strength and heat are required. 5sp steel ingots are less flexible than 3sp ingots and are used in stable industries that do not require much pressure and force. Visit our site for more information on steel bloom sizes.
Latest price of steel bloom in 2021
Latest price of steel bloom in 2021 is associated with price fluctuations because the dollar has affected the price of this product and has caused significant fluctuations in this area, so you can Visit our official website to get the necessary information about the latest price of this product and steel bloom suppliers.
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