iron ore pellets prices on sales market

The iron ore pellets prices on the sale market are different and they are produced with different qualities and supplied to the world market. Pellets are made from iron ore and are used in pig iron production as a starting material for the blast furnace process or direct reduction. This product has special features and applications that we refer to in this article.
iron ore pellets applications
Iron ores are mixtures of chemical compounds of iron with non-ferrous rocks (the so-called gangue or “dead” rock). The chemical compounds of iron in iron ore are essentially iron oxides. Iron ores, in which iron is combined with sulfur ( pyrite ) or some other elements, are also smelted in small quantities.
The most important iron ores are magnetite (up to 72% iron content), hematite (up to 70% iron content), and siderite (up to 48% iron content).
Pellets are used in the manufacture of pig iron. They have various advantages over other forms of raw material, for example, concentrate or fine iron ore.
Pellets have the characteristics of high iron grade, uniform particle size, good reduction performance, high mechanical strength, and storage durability.
Iron ores are the most important and major raw materials for pellet production. pellets made from fine iron ore and other additives that are first raw and then cooked and hardened and used for reduction by the traditional method of iron production in a blast furnace or by various methods of direct reduction.
Pellets are the raw material for the production of crude iron and must have good mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties in regenerative furnaces. Iron ore processing is one of the most important processes in the steel production chain.
iron ore pellets prices on the market
The iron ore pellet prices in the market depend on various factors and the prices vary from country to country. Of course, you can contact the sales experts on this site and find out the platts iron ore price daily.
In the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, in the Serra dos Carajás, is the largest iron ore deposit in the world with an estimated 17 billion tons of strip iron ore, which is extracted in a huge open pit. The four most important iron ore producing countries with a total of 83% of world production (2009) are China, Brazil, Australia, and India.
This product has many advantages that we mention as follows:
- The raw material is easier to transport and store thanks to its uniform shape because it cannot absorb moisture and can be rolled in silos.
- The composition of the pellets can be easily controlled during production, so that a uniform raw material is created, which makes it easier to control the further processing process.
- The porosity of the pellets accelerates the chemical reaction in the furnace, while the mechanical strength is retained even under the thermal load.
- This prevents the material from caking in the oven and prevents the reducing gases from rising unhindered through the raw material.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
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